Audio Game Music Pitch Modifier[C.Guru] 81014A12 ???? Says it all, basically modifies the pitch of the songs in the game. Default value is 3F80. Sound Effects Pitch Modifier[C.Guru] 8101600A ???? 81016042 ???? Modifies the pitch of the sfx in the game. Default Value for both lines are E890 Ambiance(Surrounding Sounds) Speed Mod[C.Guru] 81019DA6 ???? Does the same as the previous two codes, but combined together. However, when it comes to music, this code is not as good as the Game Music Pitch Modifier code, because.. You’ll find out why. Default value is 3F80. Music Pitch Modifier[C.Guru] 8101B9B6 ???? Does the same thing as the Game Music Pitch Modifier code, but it only changes if you either enter an area where the music track changes, or if going back to the bar(the main menu). But, it’s not as accurate as the other one, making some parts of a song sound awful. Default value 3F80. Pitch Reduce<->Pitch Increase[C.Guru] 8102285A ???? This one is a little different, and it’s really bizzare. 4700 is the default value. Setting it to 46FF will cause all sounds(excluding voice clips.) to pitch down, making it sound like it’s slowing down. (sfx do slow down, the music itself doesn’t really slow down.) values beyond 46FF makes it step even further down. Setting it to 4701 will pitch every bit of sound up. Pitch Increase<->Pitch Reduce[C.Guru] 8102288A ???? does the same as the one above, only that it’s reversed. Music Pitch Modifier 2[C.Guru] 81014784 25A4 81014786 ???? A little different to my first music pitch mod code. 0000 is default. Examples: 0060 is like 3F88. 0120 is 3F98, and 0180 is 3FA0. Detuned Music[C.Guru] 81014746 5723=default value-5823 8101474E 5721=default value-5821 Master Sounds Pitch Modifier fix V1.1[C.Guru] 810151D4 2704 810151D6 XXXX 81019DA6 3F80 This fixes that strange pitch-related bug heard in songs like Windy and Heist(multi) when the Pitch modifier for all sounds but speech is being altered. However, it won’t make any difference unless the player changes the 0000 for the 810151D6 line as well, as this is required. Example: if 81019DA6 is 3FA0, then 810151D6 has to be FE80. same for value 3F98, then the value for 810151D6 should be FEE0. It’s a bit tricky to know, even i myself haven’t really gotten much hang of it yet. Some sfx pitch bugs could still be present however. Music Tempo Modifier[C.Guru] 810183A6 ???? It only takes effect if you either enter an area where the music track changes, or if going back to the bar(the main menu). Default value is 3F80. Music Tempo Modifier 2[C.Guru] 8102CAB0 ???? More stable than the previous code, and takes effect instantly. Note also that the length of sound effects is affected Default value 4974. “AAH” sound plays instantly at the great mighty poo[C.Guru] 81015052 0000 Makes TGMPoo’s “AAH” sound play repeatedly, i.e it’s heard during the entire song(excluding cutscenes.). This also affects other tracks, particularly the Windy track, where every variation which weren’t all heard, are now heard, all of them. alternative music corruption code[C.Guru] 81015042 BF21 basically changes a few instruments in songs. alternative music corruption code 2[C.Guru] 810150DE 3F23 Same as the other, but is not that high-sounding. Alternative music corruption code 3[C.Guru] 81018B62 4721 It makes The Great Mighty Poo song not play. What else it does to other songs i don’t know. Break the music[C.Guru] D0042DA4 0002 81014E46 3FD0 This code just makes the current song playing hang up, the resulting noise may vary depending on song, and how you time the button press. D-pad left makes the song hang permanently, causing any noise to be left heard in the background. The only way to return it to normal is to reset the game. corrupted music[C.Guru] 810144A2 00BE Corrupts the music. Also makes the game slow down sometimes.(the music is barely heard) Extremely Corrupted Music[C.Guru] 8101449C A3A2 Does the same, but more extreme this time. Can also SEVERELY slow down the game. Freeze Music Timers[C.Guru] D0042DA4 0002 8101A024 0000 D0042DA4 0004 8101A024 3328 Disables music based timers/events. Two notable examples are The Great Mighty Poo(Where you battle him.), and Rock Solid(Where everyone dances to the beats of the song, rhytmically). D-pad left disables it, D-pad down enables it. Less corrupted music[C.Guru] 810144CA 5022 Corrupts the music somewhat, yet again. music echo modifier[C.Guru] 81014EC4 3C06 81014EC6 000X modifies how much echo will be heard in music. Music instruments modifier V4(C.Guru) 81015118 2405 8101511A 00XX Modifies the type of instrument playing in songs(affects all instruments). 03 means that the clarinet will replace the original instruments. 20 is cello. 0A for bees. Music Loops Over Itself(C.Guru) 81018F06 0040 Makes the music loop over itself. Do try to avoid battling the Boiler boss with this code active, because after the track loops a number of times, the music will hang up, and it cannot be undone.(this may also apply to when Conker must take back Mrs Bees hive, but so far i haven’t encountered it.. Unless you use some code that makes Conker invincible.) Music type modifier V2(C.Guru) 81014584 2408 81014586 YYYY Modifies the type of variation in a song.(example; for the windy song, 15 is the bullfish area type.) Music Volume Modifier[C.Guru] 8101485E ???? Adjusts the volume of the songs. Default value is 42FE Note Length modifier(music)[C.Guru] 81014D54 2009 81014D56 XXXX Modifies the length of notes in songs. Randomly Generated Instruments[C.Guru] 8101514A 00A1 Um.. Just try it out. Sound Corruption Code[C.Guru] part 1 8101D38C 0000 8101D38E 0000 8101D3AC 0000 8101D3AE 0000 8101D3BC 3F80 8101D3BE 0000 8101D680 3C58 8101D682 F8D4 8101D684 BACD 8101D686 19E2 8101D688 3EFF 8101D68A E8B2 8101D68C 0000 8101D68E 0000 8101D690 BB39 8101D692 8652 8101D694 3EFF 8101D696 FE9A 8101D698 3AD7 8101D69A 0031 8101D69C 0000 8101D69E 0000 8101D6A0 BEFF 8101D6A2 E7F5 8101D6A4 BB3C 8101D6A6 4E50 8101D6A8 3C58 8101D6AA D279 8101D6AC 0000 8101D6AE 0000 8101D6BC 3F80 8101D6BE 0000 8101D6C0 3C5E part 2 8101D6C2 2F82 8101D6C4 BACC 8101D6C6 DC7E 8101D6C8 3EFF 8101D6CA E794 8101D6CC 0000 8101D6D0 BB81 8101D6D2 470C 8101D6D4 3EFF 8101D6D6 FD98 8101D6D8 3ADA 8101D6DA F5E8 8101D6DC 0000 8101D6DE 0000 8101D6E0 BEFF 8101D6E2 E5DA 8101D6E4 BB82 8101D6E6 B6C9 8101D6E8 3C5D 8101D6EA F9B0 8101D6EC 0000 8101D6EE 0000 8101D6F0 41D0 8101D6F2 F69C 8101D6F4 3E19 8101D6F6 C378 8101D6F8 BF31 8101D6FA 0C81 8101D6FC 3F80 8101D6FE 0000 part 3 8101D700 3C6F 8101D702 A3F4 8101D704 BACB 8101D706 BF0C 8101D708 3EFF 8101D70A E3A3 8101D70C 0000 8101D70E 0000 8101D710 37A4 8101D712 22C4 8101D714 3EFF 8101D716 FFAF 8101D718 3ACB 8101D71A C22B 8101D71C 0000 8101D71E 0000 8101D720 BEFF 8101D722 E3F4 8101D724 B7D9 8101D726 68F4 8101D728 3C6F 8101D72A A3EA 8101D72C 0000 8101D72E 0000 8101D730 4257 8101D732 099C 8101D734 3EBD 8101D736 D3AD 8101D738 BFB8 8101D73A 6CBA 8101D73C 3F80 8101D73E 0000 part 4 8101D740 3C7C 8101D742 526A 8101D744 BABC 8101D746 BDA4 8101D748 3EFF 8101D74A E097 8101D74C 0000 8101D74E 0000 8101D750 B8D8 8101D752 668B 8101D754 3EFF 8101D756 FFAF 8101D758 3ACC 8101D75A 4119 8101D75C 0000 8101D75E 0000 8101D760 BEFF 8101D762 E0E8 8101D764 B91E 8101D766 7A74 8101D768 3C7C 8101D76A 50C1 8101D76C 0000 8101D76E 0000 8101D770 429D 8101D772 7F54 8101D774 3EBE 8101D776 7D87 8101D778 C00B 8101D77A 0461 8101D77C 3F80 8101D77E 0000 part 5 81013CDC 0000 81013CDE 0000 81013CEC 0000 81013CEE 0000 81013CFC 3F80 Corrupts the music for the most.(if you bring Conker to an area where he needs his gasmask, for example the Poo Mountain, the sounds will be a little fuzzy.) Due to it’s length, it’s safer to use it on emulator. If you wanna try it out on console, then just use 81013CDE 0000 alone(without the fuzzy sounds that i mentioned). It’s split into five parts because of limits. Stop the music completely V2[C.Guru] D0042DA4 0002 81013EDA 0038 D0042DA4 0008 81013EDA 0048 D-pad left=Off. D-pad up=On. Stop the music for a short while when unpausing game(C.Guru) D0042DA4 0002 81013EEE 008C D0042DA4 0004 81013EEE 0000 D-pad left=On. D-pad down=Off. Messed Up Music[C.Guru] 81018E96 FFFE 81012954 2407 81012956 0051 Really Messed Up Music[C.Guru] 81018E46 FFFB 81018E96 FFFF 8101448E 0009 81018EEA 0073 81018F0E 001D 81012954 2407 81012956 0051 Extremely Messed Up Music[C.Guru] 81018E96 FFFF 81018E46 FFE2 8101448E 0009 81018EEA 0071 81018F0E 001D 81012954 2407 81012956 0051 For all these music messing codes voices had to be turned off, because without the two bottom lines the game will crash, as the code somehow forces a random voice clip to play, even voices in regions outside of what’s really available in the game. Even though voices has been disabled, the game may still crash, depending on the track, so take caution! Speaker Balance Modifier(Music)[C.Guru] 81014C60 2419 81014C62 00XX 00 – On Left Speaker Only 7F – On Right Speaker Only If set to mono, the code won’t have any effect If set to surround or Stereo, it will try to correct itself at most(Mostly **** and Plucker) Fuzzy music[C.Guru] 81014C8C 240B 81014C8E 00XX XX Amount to be applied 00 – OFF 01 and higher(up to 3F) – ON Music modifier[C.Guru] 8100DC74 240E 8100DC76 00XX 81008BB0 2406 81008BB2 7FFF 810140AE 0001 81017D76 0000 8100CBFE 0000 Finally, the music modifier that everyones been waiting for. Gameboy Music mod[C.Guru] 800D1CE5 0001 800D1CE7 00XX Credit to the original hacker of the code, i only ported it to PAL, because one didn’t exist. Sound Effects Codes: footsteps sound modifier V2[C.Guru] 81012250 2404 81012252 0XXX 81012270 2405 81012272 0000 modifies the sfx for the footsteps a character makes. SFX Modifier V2[C.Guru] 81017760 2425 81017762 0XXX Modifies the sound effect for all sounds. Separate sfx modifiers[C.Guru] 8100FE28 2418 810104C0 2405 81010598 2404 810106EC 2405 8101081C 2404 8101095C 2404 81010964 2404 81012278 3082 8100FE2A 0XXX 810104C2 0XXX 8101059A 0XXX 810106EE 0XXX 8101081E 0XXX 8101095E 0XXX 81010966 0XXX 8101227A FFFF toggle sfx on/off[C.Guru] D1042DA4 0200 81017786 4001 D1042DA4 0800 81017786 4000 Toggles sfx on and off. D-pad left=Off. D-pad up=On Voice modifier V1[C.Guru] 81012954 2407 81012956 0XXX Voices "Alien-Like" Language Effect Modifier[C.Guru] 810E14B0 ???? Default value i think is 3F80. Seems to be for an feature that was scrapped maybe? Speech player hack[C.Guru] 81012954 2407 81012956 0XXX 81012970 2404 81012972 7FFF D2042DA4 0008 810CC6F2 0001 D0042DA4 0008 810CC6F2 0194 Only works for player 1 though. Press d-pad Up, and release it to make the speech play(stay away from any nearby places where sounds occur, and also try to avoid moving your player character, if possible.) Voices just bleeps[C.Guru] 8102A570 200C 8102A572 0000 Either requires resetting, or savestate reload. Dark Scratches and beeps in voices[C.Guru] 8102AA1C 2006 8102AA1E 0000 Either requires resetting, or savestate reload. Not Fitting Anywhere Else Codes: All sounds skips over like a broken record[C.Guru] D0042DA4 0002 81019966 6721 D0042DA4 0008 81019966 6821 Well, it sounds like it. Why i included button activators is because the game may freeze if it’s left on for too long. D-pad left turns on the effect, D-pad up turns it off. NES like sounds V.1.1[C.Guru] 8102CD22 8000 8102CD26 0800 Excluding voices in cutscenes… Better try it out yourself, words alone can't simply explain all. Sound And Music Only Consists Of Bleeps and Bloops[C.Guru] 810298E6 0060 810298EA 0480 81029916 0060 8102991E 0480 either reload a savestate, or reset the game to make the code take effect. Player 1 Rotation Ratio Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC8EC 000X Bat/Frying Pan Hit Effect Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC7C0 00XX Ground Step Behavior Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC877 000X Conker's Current Model Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC8B9 000X Conker Expression Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC760 XX00 810CC762 0000 810CC764 0000 Conker Eye Scroll Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC96A ???? 810CC96C ???? 810CC96E ???? 810CC970 ???? Damage Condition No Wait Time[C.Guru] 810CC7F6 FFFF Invincible 800CC815 00FF Credit to the one who originally found this code No Damage By Falling From High Places[C.Guru] 810CC8BC F000 Distance From Living Objects Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC7C2 ???? 810CC7C4 ???? 810CC7C6 ???? 810CC7D4 ???? 810CC7D6 ???? 810CC7D8 ???? Gravity Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC714 ???? Infinite Chocolate 800CC8BA 0006 Infinite Oxygen 810CC7A2 0001 Angle Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC7A8 XXXX 810CC7AA XXXX 810CC7B4 YYYY 810CC7B6 YYYY Model Bending[C.Guru] 810CC744 XXXX 810CC746 XXXX 810CC8C0 00YY Model Structure modifier[C.Guru] 810CC78A ???? 810CC78C ???? 810CC78E ???? Press L To Fire Bazooka Bullet 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 810CC774 0076 D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 800CC6F3 00C6 D00CC6F3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC702 0000 D10CC702 0000 803FF8B3 0002 Press L To Fire Bazooka Bullet 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC772 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC774 0076 D03FF8B7 0002 810CC778 00FF D10CC702 0001 800CC6F3 0001 D10CC702 001C 803FF8B3 0000 D10CC702 001C 803FF8B7 0003 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC772 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC778 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 Press L To Fire Crossbow Arrows 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 810CC774 00FB D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 800CC6F3 00C6 D00CC6F3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC702 0000 D10CC702 0000 803FF8B3 0002 Press L To Fire Crossbow Arrows 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC772 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC774 00FB D03FF8B7 0002 810CC778 00FF D10CC702 0001 800CC6F3 0001 D10CC702 001C 803FF8B3 0000 D10CC702 001C 803FF8B7 0003 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC772 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC778 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 Hold L To Make Conker Look Weak 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 810CC774 0071 D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 800CC6F3 00C6 D00CC6F3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC702 0000 D10CC702 0000 803FF8B3 0002 Hold L To Make Conker Look Weak 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC772 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC774 0071 D03FF8B7 0002 810CC778 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 800CC9E9 0021 D10CC702 0001 800CC6F3 0001 D03FF8B7 0002 D2042DA5 0020 803FF8B7 0003 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B3 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC772 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC778 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 Hold L To Run Faster 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 810CC774 002A D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 800CC6F3 00C6 D00CC6F3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC702 0000 D10CC702 0000 803FF8B3 0002 Hold L To Run Faster 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC772 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC774 002A D03FF8B7 0002 810CC79A 7E8F D10CC702 0001 800CC6F3 0001 D03FF8B7 0002 D2042DA5 0020 803FF8B7 0003 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B3 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC772 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC778 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 Press L To Shoot A Conker 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 810CC774 003C D03FF8B7 0000 D0042DA5 0020 800CC6F3 00C6 D00CC6F3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC702 0000 D10CC702 0000 803FF8B3 0002 D03FF8B7 0002 803FF8B2 0001 D03FF8B2 0001 803FF8B1 0001 D03FF8B1 0001 810CC710 3600 D03FF8B2 0001 810CC714 8000 D10CC702 0001 803FF8B1 0002 Press L To Shoot A Conker 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC772 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC774 003C D03FF8B7 0002 810CC778 00FF D10CC702 0001 800CC6F3 0001 D10CC702 0027 803FF8B3 0000 D10CC702 0027 803FF8B7 0003 D10CC702 0027 803FF8B2 0000 D10CC702 0027 803FF8B1 0000 D10CC702 0027 810CC714 4100 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC772 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC778 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 D10CC702 0027 800CC6F3 00BF D10CC702 0029 800CC6F3 0001 Play as: (not mine either. credit to the original hacker) 810D255E 000X Action Modifier?[C.Guru] 800CC828 00?? Shading Modifier/Basic Shadow Toggle[C.Guru] 800CC756 00XY X - Basic Shadow A - Visible B - Off Y - Model Shading 8 - On lower than 8 - Off Cannot Pull Out Weapons In Multiplayer[C.Guru] 810CC718 0001 Ice Skate Like Move[C.Guru] 810CC799 3FA0 Collision Data Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC87C ???? Eye Layer Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC75C LLRR Eye/Clothing Texture Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC758 LLRR Hue Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC8CA XXXX 810CC8CC XXXX 810CC8CE XXXX Bottom Lip Openness Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC8EE 00YY modifies how much the bottom lip of a character is open Bottom Lip Jabber Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC8EF 000X 0=doesn’t jabber up and down 1=jabbers up and down Swim In Air[C.Guru] D0042DA4 0002 800CC79D 0002 D0042DA4 0004 800CC79D 0001 D-pad left to enable, D-pad down to disable Transparency Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC6F7 ???? 800CC6F8 ???? 800CC6FA ???? Basic Shadow Size Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC850 ???? Size Modifier(not mine. Credit to the original hacker) 810CC83C ???? 810CC840 ???? Wait Animation Trigger[C.Guru] 800CC9E8 000X 0=default, at most 2=Wait animations disabled Character Looks At Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC9E9 000X 800CC9EB 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Player 1 model behavior modifier[C.Guru] 800CC748 000? this affects how the model acts(NOT counting actions and such), the following values are confirmed to work: 00=acts like normal. 01=static, doesn’t animate. 04=messed up. 05=messed up. 06=messed up. 07=messed up. 08=messed up. 09=messed up. Player 1 coordinates[C.Guru] 810CC704 XXXX 810CC706 XXXX 810CC708 YYYY 810CC70A YYYY 810CC70C ZZZZ 810CC70E ZZZZ Player 2/COM 1 Rotation Ratio Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCC18 00XX Conker’s Current Model Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCBE5 000X Conker Eye Scroll Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCC97 007B 800CCC99 006B 800CCC9B 0001 800CCC9D 0001 Distance From Living Objects Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCAEE 00?? 810CCAF0 00?? 810CCAF2 00?? 810CCB00 00?? 810CCB02 00?? 810CCB04 00?? Infinite Chocolate[C.Guru] 800CCBE6 0006 Character Modifier 800D257B 00?? Player 2 Are Pushable[C.Guru] 810CCB11 3E60 Shading Modifier/Basic Shadow Toggle[C.Guru] 800CCA82 00XY X - Basic Shadow A - Visible B - Off Y - Model Shading 8 - On lower than 8 - Off Character Looks At Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCD15 0001 800CCD17 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Eye Layer Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCA88 0202 Eye/Clothing Texture Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCA84 0004 Hue Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCBFB 0000 810CCBFA 0000 Invincible[C.Guru] 800CCB41 00FF Bottom Lip Openness Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCC1A 00YY modifies how much the bottom lip of a character is open Bottom Lip Jabber Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCC1B 000X 0=doesn’t jabber up and down 1=jabbers up and down Model Bending[C.Guru] 810CCA70 XXXX 810CCBEC 00YY Basic Shadow Size Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCB7C ???? Size Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCB68 ???? 810CCB6C ???? Speed Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCA64 ???? Status Modifier[C.Guru] D0042DA4 0002 800CCD3B 00EC D0042DA4 0008 800CCD3B 0004 Only tried it on the blue weasel in Multiplayer Heist. Transparency Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCA23 00?? 800CCA27 00?? 800CCA2B 00?? Wait Animation Trigger Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCD14 000X 0-default 2-Wait animations disabled No Damage By Falling From High Places[C.Guru] 810CCBE8 F000 Damage Condition No Wait Time[C.Guru] 810CCB22 FFFF player 2 coordinates[C.Guru] 810CCA30 XXXX 810CCA32 XXXX 810CCA34 YYYY 810CCA36 YYYY 810CCA38 ZZZZ 810CCA3A ZZZZ Player 2 model structure mod[C.Guru] 800CCAB6 ???? 810CCAB8 ???? 810CCABA ???? Player 3/COM 2 Rotation Ratio Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCF44 00XX Conker’s Current Model Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCF11 000X Conker Eye Scroll modifier[C.Guru] 800CCFC3 00XX 800CCFC5 00XX 800CCFC7 00YY 800CCFC9 00YY Distance From Living Objects Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCE1A ???? 810CCE1C ???? 810CCE1E ???? 810CCE2C ???? 810CCE2E ???? 810CCE30 ???? Character Modifier 800D2597 00?? Character Looks At Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CD041 000X 800CD043 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Eye Layer Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCDB4 LLRR Eye/Clothing Texture Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCDB0 LLRR Hue Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCF24 XXXX 810CCF26 XXXX Bottom Lip Openness Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCF40 00YY modifies how much the bottom lip of a character is open Bottom Lip Jabber Modifier(C.Guru) 800CCF41 000X 0=doesn’t jabber up and down 1=jabbers up and down Model Bending[C.Guru] 810CCF18 00?? Size Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCE94 ???? 810CCE98 ???? Speed Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCD90 ???? Transparency Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCD4F 00?? No Damage By Falling From High Places[C.Guru] 810CCF14 F000 Damage Condition No Wait Time[C.Guru] 810CCE4E FFFF player 3 coordinates[C.Guru] 810CCD5C XXXX 810CCD5E XXXX 810CCD60 YYYY 810CCD62 YYYY 810CCD64 ZZZZ 810CCD66 ZZZZ >Player 4/COM 3 Conker’s current model image[C.Guru] 800CD23D 000X Character Modifier 800D25B3 00?? Character Looks At Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CD36D 000X 800CD36F 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Eye Layer Modifier[C.Guru] 810CD0E0 LLRR Eye/Clothing Texture Modifier[C.Guru] 810CD0DC LLRR Hue Modifier[C.Guru] 810CD252 XXXX 810CD254 XXXX Bottom Lip Openness Modifier[C.Guru] 800CD26C 00YY modifies how much the bottom lip of a character is open Bottom Lip Jabber Modifier[C.Guru] 800CD26D 000X 0=doesn’t jabber up and down 1=jabbers up and down Model Bending[C.Guru] 810CD244 00?? Size Modifier[C.Guru] 810CD1C0 ???? 810CD1C4 ???? Speed Modifier[C.Guru] 810CD0BC ???? No Damage By Falling From High Places[C.Guru] 810CD240 F000 Damage Condition No Wait Time[C.Guru] 810CD17A FFFF player 4 coordinates[C.Guru] 810CD088 XXXX 810CD08A XXXX 810CD08C YYYY 810CD08E YYYY 810CD090 ZZZZ 810CD092 ZZZZ COM 4 Character looks at Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CD699 000X 800CD69B 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Animations Animation Modifier(P1)[C.Guru] 810CC772 00FF 810CC778 0000 800CC6F5 0000 800CC6F3 0001 D0042DA4 0008 810CC774 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CC6F3 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(P2/COM1)[C.Guru] 810CCA9E 00FF 810CCAA4 0000 800CCA1F 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CCAA0 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CCA1F 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(P3/COM2)[C.Guru] 810CCDCA 00FF 810CCDD0 0000 800CCD4B 0006 D0042DA4 0008 800CCDCC 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CCD4B 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(P4/COM3)[C.Guru] 810CD0F6 00FF 810CD0FC 0000 800CD077 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CD0F8 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CD077 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM4)[C.Guru] 810CD422 00FF 810CD428 0000 800CD3A3 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CD424 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CD3A3 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM5)[C.Guru] 810CD74E 00FF 810CD754 0000 800CD6CF 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CD750 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CD6CF 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM6)[C.Guru] 810CDA7A 00FF 810CDA80 0000 800CD9FB 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CDA7C 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CD9FB 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM7)[C.Guru] 810CDDA6 00FF 810CDDAC 0000 800CDD27 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CDDA8 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CDD27 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM8)[C.Guru] 810CE0D2 00FF 810CE0D8 0000 800CE053 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CE0D4 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CE053 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM9)[C.Guru] 810CE3FE 00FF 810CE404 0000 800CE37F 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CE400 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CE37F 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM10)[C.Guru] 810CE72A 00FF 810CE730 0000 800CE6AB 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CE72C 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CE6AB 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM11)[C.Guru] 810CEA56 00FF 810CEA5C 0000 800CE9D7 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CEA58 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CE9D7 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM12)[C.Guru] 810CED82 00FF 810CED88 0000 800CED03 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CED84 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CED03 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM13)[C.Guru] 810CF0AE 00FF 810CF0B4 0000 800CF02F 0006 D0042DA4 0008 810CF0B0 0XXX D0042DA4 0008 800CF02F 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Singleplayer Animation Codes Idle animation modifier[C.Guru] 8009BEB0 00XX works in nearly every chapter in the game, except for “haybot wars”, “the vault”, and probably a few other parts of some chapters. nothing i can do about, but it’s just the way the game is programmed Idle Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BC80 0XXX Tapping Foot Animation Modifier(Not looking at camera)[C.Guru] 8109BCA0 0XXX Tapping Foot Animation Modifier(Looking at camera)[C.Guru] 8109BCA8 0XXX Conker Comments Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCB0 0XXX Looking around Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCB8 0XXX Aren't called by the game, so changing the quantity digit does nothing Looking around Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCC0 0XXX Aren't called by the game, so changing the quantity digit does nothing Pulling out gameboy Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCC8 0XXX Playing on gameboy Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCD0 0XXX Putting away gameboy Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCD8 0XXX Riding Franky the pitchfork 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCE0 0XXX Idle Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCE8 0XXX seems to affect nothing. 1 chocolate piece left Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCF0 0XXX Conker wet Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BCF8 0XXX Shaking off water Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD00 0XXX Looking around Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD08 0XXX Pull out Yoyo Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD10 0XXX Playing with Yoyo Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD18 0XXX Put away Yoyo Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD20 0XXX Yoyo trick Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD28 0XXX Yoyo spin Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD30 0XXX Pull out magazine Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD38 0XXX Reading magazine Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD40 0XXX Finished reading magazine Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD48 0XXX Milkshake glass pull out Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD50 0XXX Milkshake glass drink Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD58 0XXX Milkshake glass throw Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD60 0XXX Pulling out beer can Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD68 0XXX Drinking beer Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD70 0XXX Kicking away beer can Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD78 0XXX Pull out juggling balls Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD80 0XXX Conker juggling Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD88 0XXX Done juggling balls Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD90 0XXX Conker juggling 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BD98 0XXX Conker juggling 3 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDA0 0XXX Standing, with leg broken Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDA8 0XXX Scratching head Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDB0 0XXX Yawning Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDB8 0XXX Sitting down Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDC0 0XXX "Boredi-bored-bored" Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDC8 0XXX Pulling feet Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDD0 0XXX Sitting down 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDD8 0XXX Sitting down Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDE0 0XXX Pulling feet Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDE8 0XXX Sitting down 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDF0 0XXX Getting up Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BDF8 0XXX About to put hands in pockets Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE00 0XXX I'm Waiting Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE08 0XXX Done Waiting Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE10 0XXX Pulling out flametorch Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE18 0XXX Putting away flametorch Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE20 0XXX Idle, saying "I hate butterflies" Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE28 0XXX Brushing dust off jacket Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE30 0XXX Pulling out stopwatch Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE38 0XXX Ducking Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE40 0XXX Being tickled by tickly bees Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE48 0XXX Standing still with dual guns Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE50 0XXX Aiming with guns Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE58 0XXX Conker about to do the worm Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE60 0XXX Conker doi'n the worm Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE68 0XXX Conker doi'n the worm 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE70 0XXX Boogie Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE78 0XXX When Bored at Rock Solid 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE80 0XXX When Bored at Rock Solid 3 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE88 0XXX ?? Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE90 0XXX Aiming Bazooka Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BE98 0XXX Standing Still Holding Bazooka Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BEA0 0XXX Try To Keep Hold of Bazooka Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BEA8 0XXX Camera Automatic rotating Camera distance modifier(Ex. MP Heist)(C.Guru) 810A3888 4377 810A388A 0000 810A388C 42C8 810A388E 0000 Hold L to stop camera(C.Guru) 810A38A0 3CA3 D0042DA5 0020 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0021 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0022 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0023 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0024 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0025 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0026 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0027 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0028 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0029 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 002A 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0030 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0031 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0032 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0033 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0034 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0035 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0036 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0037 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0038 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 0039 810A38A0 0000 D0042DA5 003A 810A38A0 0000 Camera Zoom Modifier(C.Guru) 810A3880 4385 810A3884 42C8 810A3888 4377 810A388C 42C8 810A3890 43B9 810A3894 4339 810A3898 4404 810A389A 8000 810A389C 43C8 Lock/Unlock Camera Rotating V2(C.Guru) D0042DA4 0002 810A3810 008E D0042DA4 0002 810A3824 008E D0042DA4 0002 810A384C 008E D0042DA4 0002 810A3870 008E D0042DA4 0004 810A3810 3C8E D0042DA4 0004 810A3824 3C8E D0042DA4 0004 810A384C 3C8E D0042DA4 0004 810A3870 3C8E Upside Down Camera(C.Guru) 81099160 BC0E 81099164 BC0E Camera Doesn’t Rotate In Multiplayer Mode(C.Guru) 810A381C 0000 It does rotate to the back of the player(s) if you hit the C-buttons or if the camera collides with a wall. I hope to get this fixed someday. Cutscene Cutscene Start/Stop[C.Guru] D1042DA4 0200 810C3A0A 0000 D1042DA4 0200 810C3A58 0000 D1042DA4 0400 810C3A0A 0100 D1042DA4 0400 810C3A58 0100 D-pad left to stop cutscene, D-pad down to Resume/Start(the latter might freeze the game if there's no cutscene ready to be executed) Skip ANY Cutscene at own will[C.Guru] 800C40BC 0000 00 - allowed to skip through every single cutscene, including those that cannot normally be skipped. 01-FF - not allowed to skip through cutscenes at all. so far it only works completely in chapter mode, and perhaps in a completed save file. Cutscenes Position Modifier[C.Guru] 810C39D2 ???? 810C39DA ???? Let's you set what position the current scene is at(characters and some other things in cutscenes will not be updated until a specific part is reached). The value marking where it ends depends on the kind of scene in the current level. 0000 is where it starts. Best used with button activators. Camera Focus Modifier(in cutscenes)[C.Guru] 800C3A18 00?? Sets where in a level the camera should shift focus to. Despite the fact that it's working quite good, the game still tries to set the correct value. There might be some unused camera positions to discover with this code as well. Multiplayer Bags needed to win mod Heist[Neo Egyptian] 800E1014 00YY Conker VS an army of blue weasels in heist[C.Guru] 80090140 0001 810901E4 00FE 810901E6 FEFE 810901E8 FEFE 810901EA FEFE 810901EC FEFE 810901EE FEFE 810901F0 FEFE 810901F2 FEFE 810E1030 0001 810E1032 0101 810E1034 0101 810E1036 0101 810E1038 0101 810E103A 0101 810E103C 0101 810E103E 0101 800E1012 0030 800E1014 0030 800D255F 0005 Heist Character Placing Mod[C.Guru] 810E1030 XXXX 810E1032 XXXX 810E1034 XXXX 810E1036 XXXX This modifies the team data in the Multiplayer Heist(this also works in other multiplayer modes, although incorrectly) so that you can have up to 4 characters each, making the other existing teams place their characters into the other 2 teams, leaving the two empty teams out of the game depending on which team color were chosen; 00 is mr red, 01 mr blue, 02 mr green and 03 for mr yellow. you can go above the normal teams, but digits higher than 00 – 03 might cause game crashes and freezing. Kills mod(deathmatch)[Neo Egyptian] 800E1016 00YY Laps mod Race A/B setup[Neo Egyptian] 800E1017 00YY Lives mod in setup[Neo Egyptian] 800E1012 00YY Multiplayer Game mod[Neo Egyptian] 800E0F62 00XX Number of characters modifier[C.Guru] 80090140 000X 810901E4 XXXX 810901E6 XXXX 810901E8 XXXX 810901EA XXXX 810901EC XXXX 810901EE XXXX 810901F0 XXXX 810901F2 XXXX X=Number of characters that is joining the match(Better set it to F if you’re unsure of how many characters should be in multiplayer.) XX=Player type 00=Player1 01=Player2 02=Player3 03=Player4 FE=Computer player FF=none FC=Dummy(doesn’t move at all) number of seconds left modifier[C.Guru] 81090118 YYYY 8109011A YYYY 7FFF FFFF=The highest the clock can be at max Vault weapon modifier(P1)[C.Guru] 8018CEEB 00XX XX=Weapon 00=frying pan 01=bazooka 02=knife 03=crossbow 04=sniper rifle 05=sniper rifle 06=frying pan FF=unarmed(homerun bat) Pick up a weapon first, or you won’t be able to use the weapon you specified.(He just takes out the frying pan if you haven’t.) It doesn´t work all the time I'm afraid, since the data for the players weapons shuffles around in memory each time you play in multi(they'll always remain at the 1???00 range however). AI Modifier [C.Guru] 800E1020 00XX Computer AI In Current Match Modifier[C.Guru] 800E1000 00XX Speech Bubbles Option added to Heist(Multiplayer)[C.Guru] 810ABB38 0013 810ABB3A 001C Speech Bubbles and AI-View Options added to Heist(Multiplayer)[C.Guru] 810ABB38 0013 810ABB3A 081C Replace Heist options with beta options(Multiplayer) 810ABB38 0FF8 810ABB3A BC23 And all of them in one set Heist Game Setup Modifier[C.Guru] 800ABA73 00?? 800ABA74 00?? 800ABA75 00?? 800ABA76 00?? 800ABA77 00?? 800ABA78 00?? Line 1 - Level ID(default-1A) Line 2 - (default-00) Line 3 - Multiplayer Game type(default-00) Line 4 - Multiplayer game scene Line 5 - Multiplayer game Win/Lose Scene Line 6 - Character everyone starts as Heist Cutscene Modifier(Multi)[C.Guru] 800ABB89 00?? 800ABB8A 00?? 800ABB8B 00?? Line 1 - Level ID(default-1A) Line 2 - Cutscene ID(default-01) Line 3 - unknown(default-01) No of Moneybags modifier(05-max)[C.Guru] 80090230 00XX No of Lives modifier(05-max)[C.Guru] 8009022E 00XX Image Modifiers Conker Image Modifier(P1)[C.Guru] 8009D1A1 00XX 800CC8B9 0002 810D255E 0005 Conker Image Modifier(P2)[C.Guru] 8009D1A2 00XX 800CCBE5 0003 800D257B 0005 Conker Image Modifier(P3)[C.Guru] 8009D1A3 00XX 800CCF11 0004 800D2597 0005 Conker Image Modifier(P4)[C.Guru] 8009D1A4 00XX 800CD23D 0005 800D25B3 0005 Frying Pan Image Modifier[C.Guru] 8009D2F0 00XX Homerun Bat Image Modifier[C.Guru] 8009D880 00XX Moneybag Image Modifier[C.Guru] 810ABA36 XX7E Helicoptery Tail-Thing Object Image Modifier[C.Guru] 810A3C9E XXXX Blood Pools Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800AB732 00XX 800AB736 00XX 800AB73A 00XX 800AB73E 00XX 800AB742 00XX 800AB746 00XX 800AB74A 00XX Beetle Slime Pools Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800AB75A 00XX 800AB75E 00XX 800AB762 00XX Blood Tear Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800AB7D4 000X Some Weapons Look Like Tea Cups[C.Guru] 8009D560 007D 8009D590 007D 8009D390 007D 8009D880 007D Cont. Icon size modifier(inanimate) 80085DCA 00?? 80 - default Cont. Icon image modifier(inanimate) 80085DCE ???? WINDY Icon image modifier 80085F86 ???? Cont. Icon size modifier 80085DD2 00?? 80 - default Advanced Codes Misc. Codes Conker model visibility modifier[C.Guru] 810C4B98 000X X = digit 0 = invisible 1 = visible Conker model appearance modifier[C.Guru] 810C52F0 00XX XX = digit 1C = default Conker eye textures ?? modifier[C.Guru] 810C5A48 00XX XX = digit 2C = default(going above makes the game freeze) Conker ?? modifier[C.Guru] 810C5BC0 0XXX XXX = Digit 391 = default Conker ??(2) modifier[C.Guru] 810C5D38 0XXX XXX = Digit 32B = default Conker amount of animations modifier[C.Guru] 810C5EB0 0YYY YYY =Value 359=default(also max, going above will have no effect.) Interpreter Simulation Code(PAL)[C.Guru] 810099B8 2406 810099BA 0004 This cheat forces the game to run in Interpreter-like mode, even if Project64 is not safely capable of this yet(even though it can be switched to in the options, the game runs noticably slower, and could even crash the emu. With this code, you can have the game run through the interpreter perhaps all the time without any slowdowns or instabilities, and the resulted audio output is nearly identical to that of what can be heard through the speakers of a TV.) The game has to be reset before the cheat can take effect(Unlike the other sound modifiers i made, this one will not take effect by reloading any savestates) I made this code for Project64 V1.6, as it is the most stable version so far. Reset Type Modifier[C.Guru] 800BEA35 000X 1 - tasks reset 2 - level reset Best used with button activators. Framerate fix[C.Guru] 8102AF32 0671 Fixes the framerate drops that occur in areas of too much activity. It might lead to some undesirable side effects though, but so far i've never noticed any. Also seems to make the game load things faster, and fixing cutscene timings to a degree(the latter may only apply to emulator, and audio timings also aren't fixed). The code has been tried on the console game, but it never seemed to properly work if set lower. Multiplayer huds text load modifier[C.Guru] 810021E2 XXXX FFFF - Normal FFFE - Decimals?? FFF6 - 8112 FFF2 - 112 Seconds in timer displays as[C.Guru] 81002268 2418 8100226A 000? 00 - 0?(with ? being whatever decimal digit) 01 - ?(with ? being whatever decimal digit) 02 - +?(with ? being whatever decimal digit)(debug??) Status Hud Letter Modifier(Multiplayer)[C.Guru] 810027B8 240E 810027BA 00XX Affects mostly the numbers Speech bubbles color modifier[C.Guru] 810C40EC RRGG 800C40EE 00BB RR-red GG-green BB-blue FFFF FF - white(usually default) 3C3C 3C - dark grey(Greggs speech bubble) Multiplayer values "+" toggle[C.Guru] 81002964 240F 81002966 000X 0 - off 1 - on Make the game run some frames slower[C.Guru] 81009910 2419 81009912 000X 0 - normal 1 - slower on console, it also makes the audio skip. Conker’s Bad Glitchy Day V1[C.Guru] 810920D0 0088 810CC87D 004F* 810CC87F 002F* 810CC8C1 00EF* 810CC7A9 004F* 810CC7AD 004F* 810CC7B1 004F* 810CCBA9 004F* 810CCBAB 002F* 810CCAD5 004F* 810CCAD9 004F* 810CCADD 004F* 810CCED5 004F* 810CCED7 002F* 810CCE01 004F* 810CCE05 004F* 810CCE09 004F* 810CD201 004F* 810CD203 002F* 810CD12D 004F* 810CD131 004F* 810CD135 004F* 8101449C A3A2 81017760 24A5 81017762 FF89 The lines marked with a “*” might only work on emulator(without the quotation marks) Level Model Color Overlay Modifier[C.Guru] 810D9FF0 RRGG 800D9FF2 00BB 810D9FF8 RRGG 800D9FFA 00BB RR - Red. GG - Green. BB - Blue. Only works well in some areas, like Windy. In other areas like the Poo Cavern, it'll blend in with the level geometry, making it look a bit fancier. As for some areas like Heist MP, not all parts of the level are affected. Drawing Distance Modifier[C.Guru] 810DD724 ???? Game Mode Modifier[C.Guru] 800BEA36 000X 00:adventure mode. 01:Multiplayer lock almost all characters heads[C.Guru] 800BEDD4 0025 Single Player Start Point Of Chapter[C.Guru] 800D254B 000? Speed of Players modifier[C.Guru] 8109989C 3F19 cpus not counted. Only affects control stick text size modifier[C.Guru] 81038400 3F80 81038404 3F80 Unrestricted Head Rotation[C.Guru] 81098418 728C 8109841C F28C 81098420 723C 81098424 F23C Only works whenever an character looks at the camera object. Players Speed Modifier[C.Guru] 81099564 3F99 8109B860 3F99 press d pad up to commit suicide[C.Guru] D2042DA4 0008 810CC6F2 0001 D0042DA4 0008 810CC6F2 010D It does cost a life however. level modifier[C.Guru] 800BE7FF 00XX Only fixed it, because the original one was incorrect. Models Texture Layering[C.Guru] 8008450D 0064 2D images size modifier[C.Guru] 810A3BDC 4187 blood, and such, etc.(excluding the pools formed after it hits ground, and a few other 2D images) Floating weapons speed modifier[C.Guru] 810A36C0 40C2 810A36CC 44FD 810A36D0 44D1 antigravity chocolate speed modifier[C.Guru] 810A3548 3EB2 grass/ hay coming from shoes size modifiers[C.Guru] 810A5AE8 3CCC 810A5AEC 3CA3 grass/ hay coming from shoes speed modifiers[C.Guru] 810A5AF0 40FF 810A5AF8 3E91 810A5AFC 3F74 Poo stench 2d image speed modifiers[C.Guru] 8109FB8C 38D1 8109FB90 3F78 8109FB98 3EC8 Character Heads Speed Modifier[C.Guru] 81098550 3DCC 81098554 3DCC Conker’s tail swing speed modifier[C.Guru] 81098BE8 3C8E 81098BF8 3C8E 81098BFC 3F49 81098C00 3C23 81098C04 3C8E 81098C08 3C8E ALL Multi characters available in each MP mode[C.Guru] 81090252 FFFF 81090256 FFFF 8109025A FFFF 8109025E FFFF 81090262 FFFF 81090266 FFFF 8109026A FFFF Also includes the bat and Conker bat, which cannot normally be played as in multi. Though guessing by their presence on the character select, they may have been intended for an beta mode at one point. Up and Down on control stick doesn’t work[C.Guru] 8102506E 0008 affects ALL controllers Controllers behavior modifier[C.Guru] 8102506E 000X X=behavior "Free movement mode" (P1) V1.6[C.Guru] D10BEE14 0000 D00CC755 0002 800CC815 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 00C0 803FFFF0 0002 D03FFFF0 0002 800CC7EA 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC7EA 0000 810CC7E8 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D10CC7E8 0000 800CC815 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC815 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 800CC827 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC827 0000 810CC714 4000 D03FFFF0 0002 D10CC714 4000 803FFFF0 0000 D03FFFF0 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FFFF0 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC710 8000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC778 FF00 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC7EA 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 810CC7E8 F700 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC827 0004 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC876 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC815 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 810CC718 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC714 8000 D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 000A 810CC710 40FB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0008 810CC710 420B D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0009 810CC710 42AB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0006 810CC710 C0FB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0004 810CC710 C20B D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0005 810CC710 C2AB Press L to activate the code(if in cutscene, hold the L button down till the screen fades back in again, or else you will fall through the ground, leading to death. This happens at random). now you can move the player around all over the place, including; collision detection disabled, no gravity, invincibility(with the exception of certain traps like pits), and fooling your opponents. Cutscenes will still trigger as of the lastest version of the code. Use Up and Down on the D-pad to rise Conker/whoever you are upwards or downwards. Slow down or speed up the up/down movement by holding down two directions at once, depending on if you hold up or down. either direction up or down+left direction slows it, and up or down+right speeds it up fast! Press B+A to deactivate the code at the desired position and height. hopefully this should be a suitable replacement for the moonjump cheat. There will be camera issues sometimes if you leave an area, but going into first person look mode will fix it. "Free movement mode" (P1) V1.8[C.Guru] D10BEE14 0000 D00CC755 0002 800CC815 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 00C0 803FFFF0 0002 D03FFFF0 0002 800CC7EA 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC7EA 0000 810CC7E8 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D10CC7E8 0000 800CC815 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC815 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 800CC827 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC827 0000 810CC714 4000 D03FFFF0 0002 D10CC714 4000 803FFFF0 0000 D03FFFF0 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FFFF0 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC710 8000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC770 0100 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC7F0 0100 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC800 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC802 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC808 C61C D03FFFF0 0001 810CC80C C61C D03FFFF0 0001 810CC778 FF00 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC7EA 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 810CC7E8 F700 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC827 0004 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC876 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC815 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 810CC718 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC714 8000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC8BC F000 D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 000A 810CC710 40FB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0008 810CC710 420B D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0009 810CC710 42AB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0006 810CC710 C0FB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0004 810CC710 C20B D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0005 810CC710 C2AB Fixes a bug relating to an animation being kept if when for example jumping(doesn't fix some animations like getting burnt, amongst others). Also fixes other bugs like swimming on land, and a character keeping on running down when trying to walk up a normally unscalable hill. Rock men are destroyable[C.Guru] 8009AA66 0000 Single Player only, in Rock Solid. Multiplayer characters are destroyable[C.Guru] 8009AA96 0000 Single Player only. Rock women are destroyable[C.Guru] 8009AA94 0000 Single Player only, in Rock Solid. Gyro Ugas pan whack behaviour modifier[C.Guru] 8009A7FB 00XX Single Player only, in Rock Solid. Gyro Ugas Act like Zombies When Hit By Frying Pan[C.Guru] 8109A7FA 881A Single Player only, in Rock Solid. "Free Movement Mode" (P1) V1.9 (C.Guru) D10BEE14 0000 D00CC755 0002 800CC815 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 00C0 803FFFF0 0002 D03FFFF0 0002 800CC7EA 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC7EA 0000 810CC7E8 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D10CC7E8 0000 800CC815 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC815 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 800CC827 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC827 0000 810CC714 4000 D03FFFF0 0002 D10CC714 4000 803FFFF0 0000 D03FFFF0 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FFFF0 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC710 8000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC770 0100 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC7F0 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC800 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC802 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC808 C61C D03FFFF0 0001 810CC80C C61C D03FFFF0 0001 810CC778 FF00 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC7EA 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 810CC7E8 F700 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC827 0004 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC876 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC815 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 810CC718 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC714 8000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC8BC F000 D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 000A 810CC710 40FB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0008 810CC710 420B D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0009 810CC710 42AB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0006 810CC710 C0FB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0004 810CC710 C20B D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0005 810CC710 C2AB D03FFFF0 0001 810CC7FC 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC772 0000 More fixes relating to animations. A few bugs do still remain unfixed. "Free Movement Mode" (P1) V2.0 (C.Guru) D10BEE14 0000 D00CC755 0002 800CC815 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 00C0 803FFFF0 0002 D03FFFF0 0002 800CC7EA 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC7EA 0000 810CC7E8 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D10CC7E8 0000 800CC815 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC815 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 800CC827 0000 D03FFFF0 0002 D00CC827 0000 810CC714 4000 D03FFFF0 0002 D10CC714 4000 803FFFF0 0000 D03FFFF0 0000 D0042DA5 0020 803FFFF0 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC710 8000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC770 0100 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC7F0 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC800 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC802 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC808 C61C D03FFFF0 0001 810CC80C C61C D03FFFF0 0001 810CC778 FF00 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC7EA 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 810CC7E8 F700 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC827 0004 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC876 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 800CC815 00FF D03FFFF0 0001 810CC718 0001 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC714 8000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC8BC F000 D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 000A 810CC710 40FB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0008 810CC710 420B D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0009 810CC710 42AB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0006 810CC710 C0FB D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0004 810CC710 C20B D03FFFF0 0001 D0042DA4 0005 810CC710 C2AB D03FFFF0 0001 810CC7FC 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC772 0000 D03FFFF0 0001 810CC7F4 0000 Fixes a bug introduced in V1.9 of the code; By quickly deactivating the code and re-activating it again when inside any lava surface, the player would constantly get burnt, with the possibility of the game freezing up if there's already much activity around(having full health makes the glitch more prone to happen). Lighting Modifier[C.Guru] 800DA240 000X Active Level-specific objects Modifier[C.Guru] 800DC323 00?? Models Color Overlay Modifier[C.Guru] 810DD150 RRGG 800DD152 00BB Includes levels(if a level features dynamic lighting effects, the level can't be made to look all black). RR - Red GG - Green BB - Blue Character Models Color Overlay Modifier[C.Guru] 810DD154 RRGG 800DD156 00BB Only applies to Character models and such RR - Red GG - Green BB - Blue Models Hue Overlay Modifier[C.Guru] 810DD158 RRGG 800DD15A 00BB Can be used for some nice shading effects RR - Red GG - Green BB - Blue Models Light Modifier[C.Guru] 810DD16C XXXX Character Models Shading Modifier[C.Guru] 800DD1AF 000X 0 - No Shading 1- Shading On Draw Distance modifier[C.Guru] 810D9F3C XXXX 810D9F3E XXXX FINAL: Widescreen Hack V1[C.Guru] 81096CB0 3CAE 81099160 3C2E FINAL: Widescreen Hack (PAL)V1.1[C.Guru] 81096CB0 3CAE 81099160 3C31 81099162 A235 810ABD3C FFD7 810ABD42 CE00 810ABD44 FFF3 810ABD4A C300 810ABD4C 000F 810ABD52 BD00 810ABD54 002C 810ABD5A B100 Fixes positions of character models when selecting characters before starting a Multiplayer game/match. The game screen width has also been compressed a few more pixels NTSC Codes Game Music Pitch Modifier[Ported by C.Guru] 81014722 ???? Says it all, basically modifies the pitch of the songs in the game. Default value is 3F80. Sound Effects Pitch Modifier[Ported by C.Guru] 81015D1A ???? 81015D52 ???? Modifies the pitch of the sfx in the game. Default Value for both lines are E890 Music Pitch Modifier[C.Guru] 8101B6C6 ???? Does the same thing as the Game Music Pitch Modifier code, but it only changes if you either enter an area where the music track changes, or if going back to the bar(the main menu). But, it’s not as accurate as the other one, making some parts of a song sound awful. Default value 3F80. Pitch Reduce<->Pitch Increase[Ported by C.Guru] 8102253A ????. This one is a little different, and it’s really bizzare. 4700 is the default value. Setting it to 46FF will cause all sounds(excluding voice clips.) to pitch down, making it sound like it’s slowing down. (sfx do slow down, the music itself doesn’t really slow down.) values beyond 46FF makes it step even further down. Setting it to 4701 will pitch every bit of sound up. Pitch Increase<->Pitch Reduce[Ported by C.Guru] 8102256A ????. does the same as the one above, only that it’s reversed. Music Pitch Modifier 2[Ported by C.Guru] 81014494 25A4 81014496 ???? A little different to my first music pitch mod code. 0000 is default. Examples: 0060 is like 3F88. 0120 is 3F98, and 0180 is 3FA0. Detuned Music[C.Guru} 81014456 5723=default value-5823 8101445E 5721=default value-5821 Master Sounds Pitch Modifier fix V1.1[NTSC Port by C.Guru] 81014EE4 2704 81014EE6 XXXX 81019AB6 3F80 This fixes that strange audio bug heard in songs like Windy and Heist(multi) when the Pitch modifier for all sounds but speech is being altered. However, it won’t make any difference unless the player changes the 0000 for the 810151D6 line as well, as this is required. Example: if 81019DA6 is 3FA0, then 810151D6 has to be FE80. same for value 3F98, then the value for 810151D6 should be FEE0. It’s a bit tricky to learn, even i myself haven’t really gotten much hang of it yet. Some sfx pitch bugs could still be present however. Music Tempo Codes: Music Tempo Modifier[NTSC port: C.Guru] 810180B6 ???? It only takes effect if you either enter an area where the music track changes, or if going back to the bar(the main menu). Default value is 3F80. Music Tempo Modifier 2[NTSC port: C.Guru] 8102C750 ???? More stable than the previous code, and takes effect instantly. Note also that the length of sound effects is affected Default value 4974. Music Codes: “AAH” sound plays instantly at the great mighty poo[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014D62 0000 Makes TGMPoo’s “AAH” sound play repeatedly, i.e it’s heard during the entire song(excluding cutscenes.). This also affects other tracks, particularly the Windy track, where every variation which weren’t all heard, are now heard, all of them. alternative music corruption code[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014D52 BF21 basically changes a few instruments in songs. alternative music corruption code 2[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014DEE 3F23 Same as the other, but is not that high-sounding. Alternative music corruption code 3[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81018872 4721 It makes The Great Mighty Poo song not play. What else it does to other songs i don’t know. Break the music[NTSC port: C.Guru] D0042A14 0002 81014B56 3FD0 This code just makes the current song playing hang up, the resulting noise may vary depending on song, and how you time the button press. D-pad left makes the song hang permanently, causing any noise to be left heard in the background. The only way to return it to normal is to reset the game. corrupted music[NTSC port: C.Guru] 810141B2 00BE Corrupts the music. Also makes the game slow down sometimes.(the music is barely heard) Extremely Corrupted Music[NTSC port: C.Guru] 810141AC A3A2 Does the same, but more extreme this time. Can also SEVERELY slow down the game. Freeze Music Timers[NTSC port: C.Guru] D0042A14 0002 81019D34 0000 D0042A14 0004 81019D34 3328 Disables music based timers/events. Two notable examples are The Great Mighty Poo(Where you battle him.), and Rock Solid(Where everyone dances to the beats of the song, rhytmically). D-pad left disables it, D-pad down enables it. Less corrupted music[NTSC port: C.Guru] 810141DA 5022 Corrupts the music somewhat, yet again. music echo modifier[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014BD4 3C06 81014BD6 000X modifies how much echo will be heard in music. Music instruments modifier V1[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014E28 2405 81014E2A 00XX Modifies the type of instrument playing in songs(affects all instruments). 03 means that the clarinet will replace the original instruments. 20 is cello. 0A for bees. Music Loops Over Itself[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81018C16 0040 Makes the music loop over itself. Do try to avoid battling the Boiler boss with this code active, because after the track loops a number of times, the music will hang up, and it cannot be undone.(this may also apply to when Conker must take back Mrs Bees hive, but so far i haven’t encountered it.. Unless you use some code that makes Conker invincible.) Music type modifier V1[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014294 2408 81014296 YYYY Modifies the type of variation in a song.(example; for the windy song, 15 is the bullfish area type.) Music Volume Modifier[NTSC port: C.Guru] 8101456E ???? Adjusts the volume of the songs. Default value is 42FE Note Length modifier(music)[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014A64 2409 81014A66 XXXX Modifies the length of notes in songs. Randomly Generated Instruments[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014E5A 00A1 Um.. Just try it out. Sound Corruption Code[NTSC port: C.Guru] part 1 8101D09C 0000 8101D09E 0000 8101D0BC 0000 8101D0BE 0000 8101D0CC 3F80 8101D0CE 0000 8101D390 3C58 8101D392 F8D4 8101D394 BACD 8101D396 19E2 8101D398 3EFF 8101D39A E8B2 8101D39C 0000 8101D39E 0000 8101D3A0 BB39 8101D3A2 8652 8101D3A4 3EFF 8101D3A6 FE9A 8101D3A8 3AD7 8101D3AA 0031 8101D3AC 0000 8101D3AE 0000 8101D3B0 BEFF 8101D3B2 E7F5 8101D3B4 BB3C 8101D3B6 4E50 8101D3B8 3C58 8101D3BA D279 8101D3BC 0000 8101D3BE 0000 8101D3CC 3F80 8101D3CE 0000 8101D3D0 3C5E part 2 8101D3D2 2F82 8101D3D4 BACC 8101D3D6 DC7E 8101D3D8 3EFF 8101D3DA E794 8101D3DC 0000 8101D3E0 BB81 8101D3E2 470C 8101D3E4 3EFF 8101D3E6 FD98 8101D3E8 3ADA 8101D3EA F5E8 8101D3EC 0000 8101D3EE 0000 8101D3F0 BEFF 8101D3F2 E5DA 8101D3F4 BB82 8101D3F6 B6C9 8101D3F8 3C5D 8101D3FA F9B0 8101D3FC 0000 8101D3FE 0000 8101D300 41D0 8101D402 F69C 8101D404 3E19 8101D406 C378 8101D408 BF31 8101D40A 0C81 8101D40C 3F80 8101D40E 0000 part 3 8101D410 3C6F 8101D412 A3F4 8101D414 BACB 8101D416 BF0C 8101D418 3EFF 8101D41A E3A3 8101D41C 0000 8101D41E 0000 8101D420 37A4 8101D422 22C4 8101D424 3EFF 8101D426 FFAF 8101D428 3ACB 8101D42A C22B 8101D42C 0000 8101D42E 0000 8101D430 BEFF 8101D432 E3F4 8101D434 B7D9 8101D436 68F4 8101D438 3C6F 8101D43A A3EA 8101D43C 0000 8101D43E 0000 8101D440 4257 8101D442 099C 8101D444 3EBD 8101D446 D3AD 8101D448 BFB8 8101D44A 6CBA 8101D44C 3F80 8101D44E 0000 part 4 8101D450 3C7C 8101D452 526A 8101D454 BABC 8101D456 BDA4 8101D458 3EFF 8101D45A E097 8101D45C 0000 8101D45E 0000 8101D460 B8D8 8101D462 668B 8101D464 3EFF 8101D466 FFAF 8101D468 3ACC 8101D46A 4119 8101D46C 0000 8101D46E 0000 8101D470 BEFF 8101D472 E0E8 8101D474 B91E 8101D476 7A74 8101D478 3C7C 8101D47A 50C1 8101D47C 0000 8101D47E 0000 8101D480 429D 8101D482 7F54 8101D484 3EBE 8101D486 7D87 8101D488 C00B 8101D48A 0461 8101D48C 3F80 8101D48E 0000 part 5 810139EC 0000 810139EE 0000 810139FC 0000 810139FE 0000 81013A0C 3F80 Corrupts the music for the most.(if you bring Conker to an area where he needs his gasmask, for example the Poo Mountain, the sounds will be a little fuzzy.) Due to it’s length, it’s safer to use it on emulator. If you wanna try it out on console, then just use 81013CDE 0000 alone(without the fuzzy sounds that i mentioned). It’s split into five parts because of limits. Stop the music completely V2[NTSC port: C.Guru] D0042A14 0002 81013BEA 0038 D0042A14 0008 81013BEA 0048 D-pad left=Off. D-pad up=On. Stop the music for a short while when unpausing game[NTSC port: C.Guru] D0042A14 0002 81013BFE 008C D0042A14 0004 81013BFE 0000 D-pad left=On. D-pad down=Off. Messed Up Music[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81018BA6 FFFE 81012664 2407 81012666 0051 Really Messed Up Music[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81018B56 FFFB 81018BA6 FFFF 8101419E 0009 81018BFA 0073 81018C1E 001D 81012664 2407 81012666 0051 Extremely Messed Up Music[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81018BA6 FFFF 81018B56 FFE2 8101419E 0009 81018BFA 0071 81018C1E 001D 81012664 2407 81012666 0051 For all these music messing codes voices had to be turned off, because without the two bottom lines the game will crash, as the code somehow forces a random voice clip to play, even voices in regions outside of what’s really available in the game. Even though voices has been disabled, the game may still crash, depending on the track, so take caution! Speaker Balance Modifier(Music)[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81014970 2419 81014972 00XX 00 – On Left Speaker Only 7F – On Right Speaker Only If set to mono, the code won’t have any effect If set to surround or Stereo, it will try to correct itself at most(Mostly **** and Plucker) Fuzzy music[NTSC port: C.Guru] 8101499C 240B 8101499E 00XX XX Amount to be applied 00 – OFF 01 and higher(up to 3F) – ON Music modifier[NTSC port: C.Guru] 8100D984 240E 8100D986 00XX 810088C0 2406 810088C2 7FFF 81013DBE 0000 8100C90E 0000 Finally, the music modifier that everyones been waiting for. Sound Effects Codes: footsteps sound modifier V1[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81011F60 2404 81011F62 0XXX 81011F80 2405 81011F82 0000 modifies the sfx for the footsteps a character makes. SFX Modifier V1[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81017470 2425 81017472 0XXX Modifies the sound effect for all sounds. Separate sfx modifiers[NTSC port: C.Guru] 8100FB38 2418 810101D0 2405 810102A8 2404 810103FC 2405 8101052C 2404 8101066C 2404 81010674 2404 81011F88 3082 8100FB3A 0XXX 810101D2 0XXX 810102AA 0XXX 810103FE 0XXX 8101052E 0XXX 8101066E 0XXX 81010676 0XXX 81011F8A FFFF toggle sfx on/off[NTSC port: C.Guru] D1042A14 0200 81017496 4001 D1042A14 0800 81017496 4000 Toggles sfx on and off. D-pad left=Off. D-pad up=On Speech Codes: Voice modifier V1[NTSC port: yourgamerman] 81012664 2407 81012666 0XXX Voices "Alien-Like" Language Effect Modifier[NTSC port: C.Guru] 810E14B0 ???? Default value i think is 3F80. Seems to be for an feature that was scrapped maybe? Speech player hack[NTSC port: C.Guru] 81012664 2407 81012666 0XXX 81012970 2404 81012972 7FFF D2042A14 0008 810CC2D2 0001 D0042A14 0008 810CC2D2 0194 Only works for player 1 though. Press d-pad Up, and release it to make the speech play(stay away from any nearby places where sounds occur, and also try to avoid moving your player character, if possible.) Voices just bleeps[NTSC port: C.Guru] 8102A240 200C 8102A242 0000 Either requires resetting, or savestate reload. Dark Scratches and beeps in voices[NTSC port: C.Guru] 8102A6EC 2006 8102A6EE 0000 Either requires resetting, or savestate reload. Not Fitting Anywhere Else Codes: All sounds skips over like a broken record[NTSC port: C.Guru] D0042A14 0002 81019676 6721 D0042A14 0008 81019676 6821 Well, it sounds like it. Why i included button activators is because the game may freeze if it’s left on for too long. D-pad left turns on the effect, D-pad up turns it off. NES like sounds V.1.1[NTSC port: C.Guru] 8102C9C2 8000 8102C9C6 0800 Excluding voices in cutscenes… Better try it out yourself, words alone can't simply explain all. Sound And Music Only Consists Of Bleeps and Bloops[NTSC port: C.Guru] 810295B6 0060 810295BA 0480 810295E6 0060 810295EE 0480 either reload a savestate, or reset the game to make the code take effect. Players Player 1: Rotation Ratio Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC4CC 000X Bat/Frying Pan Hit Effect Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC3A0 00XX Ground Step Behavior Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC457 000X Conker’s Current Model Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC499 000X Conker Expression Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC340 XX00 810CC342 0000 810CC344 0000 Conker Eye Scroll Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC54A ???? 810CC54C ???? 810CC54E ???? 810CC550 ???? Damage Condition No Wait Time[C.Guru] 810CC3D6 FFFF Invincible 800CC3F5 00FF Credit to the one who originally found this code No Damage By Falling From High Places[C.Guru] 810CC49C F000 Distance From Living Objects Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC3A2 ???? 810CC3A4 ???? 810CC3A6 ???? 810CC3B4 ???? 810CC3B6 ???? 810CC3B8 ???? Gravity Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC2F4 ???? Infinite Chocolate 800CC49A 0006 Infinite Oxygen 810CC382 0001 Angle Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC388 XXXX 810CC38A XXXX 810CC394 YYYY 810CC396 YYYY Model Bending[C.Guru] 810CC324 XXXX 810CC326 XXXX 810CC4A0 00YY Model Structure modifier[C.Guru] 810CC36A ???? 810CC36C ???? 810CC36E ???? Press L To Fire Bazooka Bullet 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 810CC354 0076 D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 800CC2D3 00C6 D00CC2D3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042A15 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC2E2 0000 D10CC2E2 0000 803FF8B3 0002 Press L To Fire Bazooka Bullet 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC352 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC354 0076 D03FF8B7 0002 810CC358 00FF D10CC2E2 0001 800CC2D3 0001 D10CC2E2 001C 803FF8B3 0000 D10CC2E2 001C 803FF8B7 0003 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC352 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC358 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 Press L To Fire Crossbow Arrows 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 810CC354 00FB D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 800CC2D3 00C6 D00CC2D3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042A15 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC2E2 0000 D10CC2E2 0000 803FF8B3 0002 Press L To Fire Crossbow Arrows 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC352 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC354 00FB D03FF8B7 0002 810CC358 00FF D10CC2E2 0001 800CC2D3 0001 D10CC2E2 001C 803FF8B3 0000 D10CC2E2 001C 803FF8B7 0003 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC352 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC358 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 Hold L To Make Conker Look Weak 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 810CC354 0071 D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 800CC2D3 00C6 D00CC2D3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042A15 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC2E2 0000 D10CC2E2 0000 803FF8B3 0002 Hold L To Make Conker Look Weak 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC352 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC354 0071 D03FF8B7 0002 810CC358 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 800CC5C9 0021 D10CC2E2 0001 800CC2D3 0001 D03FF8B7 0002 D2042A15 0020 803FF8B7 0003 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B3 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC352 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC358 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 Hold L To Run Faster 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 810CC354 002A D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 800CC2D3 00C6 D00CC2D3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042A15 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC2E2 0000 D10CC2E2 0000 803FF8B3 0002 Hold L To Run Faster 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC352 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC354 002A D03FF8B7 0002 810CC37A 7E8F D10CC2E2 0001 800CC2D3 0001 D03FF8B7 0002 D2042A15 0020 803FF8B7 0003 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B3 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC352 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC358 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 Press L To Shoot A Conker 1/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 810CC354 003C D03FF8B7 0000 D0042A15 0020 800CC2D3 00C6 D00CC2D3 00C6 803FF8B7 0002 D03FF8B3 0000 D0042A15 0020 803FF8B3 0001 D03FF8B3 0001 810CC2E2 0000 D10CC2E2 0000 803FF8B3 0002 D03FF8B7 0002 803FF8B2 0001 D03FF8B2 0001 803FF8B1 0001 D03FF8B1 0001 810CC2F0 3600 D03FF8B2 0001 810CC2F4 8000 D10CC2E2 0001 803FF8B1 0002 Press L To Shoot A Conker 2/2[C.Guru] D03FF8B7 0002 810CC352 00FF D03FF8B7 0002 810CC354 003C D03FF8B7 0002 810CC358 00FF D10CC2E2 0001 800CC2D3 0001 D10CC2E2 0027 803FF8B3 0000 D10CC2E2 0027 803FF8B7 0003 D10CC2E2 0027 803FF8B2 0000 D10CC2E2 0027 803FF8B1 0000 D10CC2E2 0027 810CC2F4 4100 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC352 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 810CC358 0000 D03FF8B7 0003 803FF8B7 0000 D10CC2E2 0027 800CC2D3 00BF D10CC2E2 0029 800CC2D3 0001 Action Modifier?[C.Guru] 800CC408 00?? Shading Modifier/Basic Shadow Toggle[C.Guru] 800CC336 00XY X - Basic Shadow  A - Visible  B - Off Y - Model Shading  8 - On  lower than 8 - Off Cannot Pull Out Weapons In Multiplayer[C.Guru] 810CC2F8 0001 Ice Skate Like Move[C.Guru] 810CC379 3FA0 Collision Data Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC45C ???? Eye Layer Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC33C LLRR Eye/Clothing Texture Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC338 LLRR Hue Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC4AA XXXX 810CC4AC XXXX 810CC4AE XXXX Bottom Lip Openness Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC4CE 00YY modifies how much the bottom lip of a character is open Bottom Lip Jabber Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC4CF 000X 0=doesn’t jabber up and down 1=jabbers up and down Swim In Air[C.Guru] D0042A14 0002 800CC37D 0002 D0042A14 0004 800CC37D 0001 D-pad left to enable, D-pad down to disable Transparency Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC2D7 ???? 800CC2D8 ???? 800CC2DA ???? Basic Shadow Size Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC430 ???? Size Modifier(not mine. Credit to the original hacker) 810CC83C ???? 810CC840 ???? Wait Animation Trigger[C.Guru] 800CC5C8 000X 0=default, at most 2=Wait animations disabled Character Looks At Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC5C9 000X 800CC5CB 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Player 1 model behavior modifier[C.Guru] 800CC328 000? this affects how the model acts(NOT counting actions and such), the following values are confirmed to work: 00=acts like normal. 01=static, doesn’t animate. 04=messed up. 05=messed up. 06=messed up. 07=messed up. 08=messed up. 09=messed up. Player 1 coordinates[C.Guru] 810CC2E4 XXXX 810CC2E6 XXXX 810CC2E8 YYYY 810CC2EA YYYY 810CC2EC ZZZZ 810CC2EE ZZZZ Player 2/COM 1: Rotation Ratio Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC7F8 00XX Conker’s Current Model Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC7C5 000X Conker Eye Scroll Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC877 007B 800CC879 006B 800CC87B 0001 800CC87D 0001 Distance From Living Objects Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC6CE 00?? 810CC6D0 00?? 810CC6D2 00?? 810CC6E0 00?? 810CC6E2 00?? 810CC6E4 00?? Infinite Chocolate[C.Guru] 800CCBE6 0006 Character Modifier 800D257B 00?? Player 2 Are Pushable[C.Guru] 810CC6F1 3E60 Shading Modifier/Basic Shadow Toggle[C.Guru] 800CC662 00XY X - Basic Shadow  A - Visible  B - Off Y - Model Shading  8 - On  lower than 8 - Off Character Looks At Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC8F5 0001 800CC8F7 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Eye Layer Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC668 0202 Eye/Clothing Texture Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC664 0004 Hue Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC7DB 0000 810CC7DA 0000 Invincible[C.Guru] 800CC721 00FF Bottom Lip Openness Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC7FA 00YY modifies how much the bottom lip of a character is open Bottom Lip Jabber Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC7FB 000X 0=doesn’t jabber up and down 1=jabbers up and down Model Bending[C.Guru] 810CC650 XXXX 810CC7CC 00YY Basic Shadow Size Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC75C ???? Size Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC748 ???? 810CC74C ???? Speed Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC644 ???? Status Modifier[C.Guru] D0042A14 0002 800CC91B 00EC D0042A14 0008 800CC91B 0004 Only tried it on the blue weasel in Multiplayer Heist. Transparency Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC603 00?? 800CC607 00?? 800CC60B 00?? Wait Animation Trigger Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC8F4 000X 0-default 2-Wait animations disabled No Damage By Falling From High Places[C.Guru] 810CC7C8 F000 Damage Condition No Wait Time[C.Guru] 810CC702 FFFF player 2 coordinates[C.Guru] 810CC610 XXXX 810CC612 XXXX 810CC614 YYYY 810CC616 YYYY 810CC618 ZZZZ 810CC61A ZZZZ Player 2 model structure mod[C.Guru] 800CC696 ???? 810CC698 ???? 810CC69A ???? Player 3/COM 2: Rotation Ratio Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCB24 00XX Conker’s Current Model Image Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCAF1 000X Conker Eye Scroll modifier[C.Guru] 800CCBA3 00XX 800CCBA5 00XX 800CCBA7 00YY 800CCBA9 00YY Distance From Living Objects Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC9FA ???? 810CC9FC ???? 810CC9FE ???? 810CC9FC ???? 810CC9FE ???? 810CC9F0 ???? Character Modifier 800D2597 00?? Character Looks At Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCC21 000X 800CCC23 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Eye Layer Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC994 LLRR Eye/Clothing Texture Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC990 LLRR Hue Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCB04 XXXX 810CCB06 XXXX Bottom Lip Openness Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCB20 00YY modifies how much the bottom lip of a character is open Bottom Lip Jabber Modifier(C.Guru) 800CCB21 000X 0=doesn’t jabber up and down 1=jabbers up and down Model Bending[C.Guru] 810CCAF8 00A0 Size Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCA74 3F00 810CCA78 3F00 Speed Modifier[C.Guru] 810CC970 3F80 Transparency Modifier[C.Guru] 800CC92F 00?? No Damage By Falling From High Places[C.Guru] 810CCAF4 F000 Damage Condition No Wait Time[C.Guru] 810CCA2E FFFF player 3 coordinates[C.Guru] 810CC93C XXXX 810CC93E XXXX 810CC940 YYYY 810CC942 YYYY 810CC944 ZZZZ 810CC946 ZZZZ Player 4/COM 3: Conker’s current model image[C.Guru] 800CCE1D 000X Character Modifier 800D25B3 00?? Character Looks At Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCF4D 000X 800CCF4F 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Eye Layer Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCCC0 LLRR Eye/Clothing Texture Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCCBC LLRR Hue Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCE32 XXXX 810CCE34 XXXX Bottom Lip Openness Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCE4C 00YY modifies how much the bottom lip of a character is open Bottom Lip Jabber Modifier[C.Guru] 800CCE4D 000X 0=doesn’t jabber up and down 1=jabbers up and down Model Bending[C.Guru] 810CCE24 00?? Size Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCDA0 ???? 810CCDA4 ???? Speed Modifier[C.Guru] 810CCC9C ???? No Damage By Falling From High Places[C.Guru] 810CCE20 F000 Damage Condition No Wait Time[C.Guru] 810CCD5A FFFF player 4 coordinates[C.Guru] 810CCE68 XXXX 810CCE6A XXXX 810CCE6C YYYY 810CCE6E YYYY 810CCE70 ZZZZ 810CCE72 ZZZZ COM 4: Character looks at Camera Modifier[C.Guru] 800CD279 000X 800CD27B 0000 0=is not looking towards the camera 1=is looking at the camera all the time Animation Modifier(P1)[C.Guru] 810CC352 00FF 810CC358 0000 800CC2D5 0000 800CC2D3 0001 D0042A14 0008 810CC354 000A D0042A14 0008 800CC2D3 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(P2/COM1)[C.Guru] 810CC67E 00FF 810CC684 0000 800CC5FF 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CC660 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CC5FF 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(P3/COM2)[C.Guru] 810CC9AA 00FF 810CC9B0 0000 800CC92B 0006 D0042A14 0008 800CC9AC 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CC92B 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(P4/COM3)[C.Guru] 810CCCD6 00FF 810CCCDC 0000 800CCC57 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CCCD8 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CCC57 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM4)[C.Guru] 810CD002 00FF 810CD008 0000 800CCF83 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CD004 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CCF83 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM5)[C.Guru] 810CD32E 00FF 810CD334 0000 800CD2AF 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CD330 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CD2AF 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM6)[C.Guru] 810CD65A 00FF 810CD660 0000 800CD5DB 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CD65C 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CD5DB 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM7)[C.Guru] 810CD986 00FF 810CD98C 0000 800CD907 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CD988 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CD907 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM8)[C.Guru] 810CDCB2 00FF 810CDCB8 0000 800CDC33 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CDCB4 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CDC33 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM9)[C.Guru] 810CDFDE 00FF 810CDFE4 0000 800CDF5F 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CDFE0 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CDF5F 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM10)[C.Guru] 810CE30A 00FF 810CE310 0000 800CE28B 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CE30C 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CE28B 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM11)[C.Guru] 810CE636 00FF 810CE63C 0000 800CE5B7 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CE638 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CE5B7 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM12)[C.Guru] 810CE962 00FF 810CE968 0000 800CE8E3 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CE964 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CE8E3 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Animation Modifier(COM13)[C.Guru] 810CEC8E 00FF 810CEC94 0000 800CEC0F 0006 D0042A14 0008 810CEC90 0XXX D0042A14 0008 800CEC0F 00C6 Press D-pad up to change his/her animation Singleplayer Animation Codes Idle animation modifier[C.Guru] 8009BAE0 00XX works in nearly every chapter in the game, except for “haybot wars”, “the vault”, and probably a few other parts of some chapters. nothing i can do about, but it’s just the way the game is programmed Idle Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B8B0 0XXX Tapping Foot Animation Modifier(Not looking at camera)[C.Guru] 8109B8D0 0XXX Tapping Foot Animation Modifier(Looking at camera)[C.Guru] 8109B8D8 0XXX Conker Comments Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B8E0 0XXX Looking around Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B8E8 0XXX Aren't called by the game, so changing the quantity digit does nothing Looking around Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B8F0 0XXX Aren't called by the game, so changing the quantity digit does nothing Pulling out gameboy Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B8F8 0XXX Playing on gameboy Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B900 0XXX Putting away gameboy Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B908 0XXX Riding Franky the pitchfork 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B910 0XXX Idle Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B918 0XXX seems to affect nothing. 1 chocolate piece left Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B920 0XXX Conker wet Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B928 0XXX Shaking off water Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B930 0XXX Looking around Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B938 0XXX Pull out Yoyo Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B940 0XXX Playing with Yoyo Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B948 0XXX Put away Yoyo Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B950 0XXX Yoyo trick Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B958 0XXX Yoyo spin Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B960 0XXX Pull out magazine Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B968 0XXX Reading magazine Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B970 0XXX Finished reading magazine Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B978 0XXX Milkshake glass pull out Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B980 0XXX Milkshake glass drink Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B988 0XXX Milkshake glass throw Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B990 0XXX Pulling out beer can Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B998 0XXX Drinking beer Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9A0 0XXX Kicking away beer can Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9A8 0XXX Pull out juggling balls Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9B0 0XXX Conker juggling Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9B8 0XXX Done juggling balls Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9C0 0XXX Conker juggling 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9C8 0XXX Conker juggling 3 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9D0 0XXX Standing, with leg broken Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9D8 0XXX Scratching head Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9E0 0XXX Yawning Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9E8 0XXX Sitting down Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9F0 0XXX "Boredi-bored-bored" Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109B9F8 0XXX Pulling feet Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA00 0XXX Sitting down 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA08 0XXX Sitting down Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA10 0XXX Pulling feet Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA18 0XXX Sitting down 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA20 0XXX Getting up Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA28 0XXX About to put hands in pockets Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA30 0XXX I'm Waiting Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA38 0XXX Done Waiting Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA40 0XXX Pulling out flametorch Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA48 0XXX Putting away flametorch Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA50 0XXX Idle, saying "I hate butterflies" Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA58 0XXX Brushing dust off jacket Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA60 0XXX Pulling out stopwatch Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA68 0XXX Ducking Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA70 0XXX Being tickled by tickly bees Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA78 0XXX Standing still with dual guns Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA80 0XXX Aiming with guns Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA88 0XXX Conker about to do the worm Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA90 0XXX Conker doi'n the worm Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BA98 0XXX Conker doi'n the worm 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BAA0 0XXX Boogie Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BAA8 0XXX When Bored at Rock Solid 2 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BAB0 0XXX When Bored at Rock Solid 3 Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BAB8 0XXX ?? Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BAC0 0XXX Aiming Bazooka Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BAC8 0XXX Standing Still Holding Bazooka Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BAD0 0XXX Try To Keep Hold of Bazooka Animation Modifier[C.Guru] 8109BAD8 0XXX

Camera(!NOT DONE YET!)

Image Modifiers(!NOT DONE YET!)