Evolution of Crowiolina

Crowiolina was created to be the next big soldier of King Dumb-Crow. His plan failed though once Crowiolina began opening her mouth, asking him questions that he really had no answers. It failed even further after she showed signs of being good. Despite having been rejected by King Dumb-Crow she still cares about him, even going as far as to sometimes refer him as her "uncle" or "father".

Her times as an Dumb-Crow-like girl.

Crowiolina was originally born without limbs. There's not much in the way of handdrawn pics over this period of hers due to the fact that almost no drawings were created during that time. What is known however is that she was once friends with Crower, an Dumb-Crow who was similarly created by King Dumb-Crow to be his next soldier.

Most of the art showing Crowiolina without limbs were made digitally, mostly for the purposes of game artwork. The only handdrawn ones known to exist will be shown below.

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The first pic show a drastically different design of Crowiolina, having a defined chest, and a visible dress. The second pic is already of the design that was later used.

Wishing for a full body

Crowiolina gained a full body as a result of a cancelled game project of mine, "Mishap Makers". Even though development of that game never finished the full body on Crowiolina remained part of her, probably because I found this new design better-looking.

As to how she came to wish for a full body, Crowiolina probably felt tired of seeing herself in the mirror without limbs all the time, and being jealous over the likes of Hijaky, Tailyna, Yasu Hiyami, and so on, she made a wish when she saw a falling star from her window one night, and that was possibly how her wish was granted.

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Becoming Temporarily Limbless

In 2018, Crowiolina was made limbless again, mainly for the updated version of my Crower VS The Time game that fixed quite a lot of things and problems found in the original version. In the V1.7 version Crowiolina is available as a playable character. She plays exactly the same as Crower, so there's no differences between the characters.

Looking at these sketches again, I might as well draw limbless Crowiolina again at some point. When I'm not sure yet. Probably someday...

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Reverted to full body again, and her future...

Well, in all my years of drawing, I've certainly drawn some art of Crowiolina. But there's still not enough art of her. Crowiolina definitely needs more attention from my side, and also a chance of showing that she's just as bold and capable like my other characters.
