CBFD Vault Stuff

This page details all the findings I discovered inside the ROM of Conker's Bad Fur Day over the years. As the info has basically been imported from the then new unreleased version of the Conker's Homeland site, there may be a number of small errors here and there.

Do note that other than the occasional fixes, no further content will be added to this page. I've pretty much retired from hacking Conker full time. I may still try to hack the game from to time, but it will be mostly for my own purposes.

Twelve Tales: Conker 64

These graphics may have been used for the speech bubbles in Twelve Tales. No explanation of using the C-buttons to control the camera occurs in the final game, leaving these unused. These can be seen in multiplayer mode(and also by selecting a file on the menu) by using the below GS codes for your region.

Status Hud Letter Modifier(Multiplayer)[PAL]
810027B8 240E
810027BA 00XX

Status Hud Letter Modifier(Multiplayer)[NTSC]
81002728 240E
8100272A 00XX

With XX being:
AA: C-Left AB: C-Right AC: C-Up AD: C-Down

An old logo from the Conker's Quest days. Either it was used for promotion, or it was for an very early title screen. Further evidence that Bad Fur Day was based off the last ROM build of Twelve Tales. These graphics can be seen on the chapter menu with the below codes, for both versions:

Windy Graphic modifier(Chapter menu.) [C.Guru]
81085F80 0101
81085F82 8000
81085F86 ????

Windy Graphic modifier(Chapter menu.) [NTSC Port: Koolboyman]
81085BF0 0101
81085BF2 8000
81085BF6 ????

???? - the quantifier digit of the image (098C-09B3)

The values on the first two lines can be altered at will, for example:
0x80085F80 03 - the image will be 3 blocks wide
0x80085F81 05 - the image will be 5 blocks tall
0x80085F82 FF - the image will be twice it's original size.

Quite ALOT of small unused sprites for various flowers and plants. The designers must have overlooked the presence of these when retooling Twelve Tales into the game we now know and love. The images are left opaque to better preserve their details.

0054-0059 - Small controller Buttons

0CD8 - Bird wings textures?

0CDD - Crow face and wing textures

031A-031D - Lit/unlit wall textures?

02DF - A Button

032C - B Button

0CF9-0CFE - Dirthill textures?

Yet some more graphical leftovers. Even the textures from a roman building managed to survive the transition from Twelve Tales to Bad Fur Day! Codes to see these graphics(not the enviromental ones) are provided below.

2D Graphics Image Format Modifier(PAL)[C.Guru]
80090417 00WW
80090419 00HH
8009041B 000X

2D Graphics Image Format Modifier(NTSC)[C.Guru]
80090067 00WW
80090069 00HH
8009006B 000X

X - The type of graphics to display. Valid values range from 1 to 3. 0 is largely untested, but should work. Not sure about higher values.
WW - Width dimensions of image(in hexadecimal). Usually 20 by default.
HH - Height dimensions of image(in hexadecimal). Usually 20 by default.

The code can be used with any of the below codes that I and Koolboyman found in 2013. Just remember to leave the upper 8-bit digit on the 2nd line of the code for your game region at 0x00 in order for the width and height values to not get reset.

Windy Graphic modifier(Chapter menu.) (PAL)[C.Guru]
81085F80 0101
81085F82 8000
81085F86 ????

Windy Graphic modifier(Chapter menu.) [NTSC Port: Koolboyman]
81085BF0 0101
81085BF2 8000
81085BF6 ????

CBFD_TwelveTales1.png CBFD_TwelveTales2.png

These textures look too vibrant in color to be used in Bad Fur Day. Are likely leftover textures from Twelve Tales. The 2nd texture look like a texture for a sort of door, while the 1st one might be a wall texture or something.


Texture for a fence. This fence can be seen in the 30-minute video of Twelve Tales.


A nose texture for some kind of animal. It appears to belong to a unused catfish-like character.

Conker's Bad Fur Day


An rather possessed-looking version of Conker's normal iris-image for his eyes. Conker has two expressions (likewise unused) where the texture gets used. Other than that, it's impossible to see this one alone without hacking. Aside from serving no other purpose than an in-joke by the developers, it isn't really known what this would've otherwise been used for.


Seems to be some texture for showing when Conker is... I don't know, pissed off?? Is not being used at all by the Conker model either.


Perhaps one of the oldest Conker textures remaining in the ROM. The fifth Conker model uses this to represent the eyes of Conker's head. It can't be seen under normal circumstances since Conker would be too far away from the camera in certain cases anyway(like falling).

berri_angryface_unused berri_surpriseface_unused

Two faces of Berri showing expressions not normally seen on her. They actually belong to Poppet the little girl from the experiment, but these textures are also defined for the Berri models despite the fact that they aren't used.


The Textures for the Unused ! Barrel. The bottom texture of it cannot be seen because the bottom of the barrel isn't modelled out.

CBFD_Joke_Sock1.png CBFD_Joke_Sock2.png

Basically textures of socks with funny faces. Very likely a joke by the developers.



The early "War" graphic from the ECTS demo version of Conker.



A graphic saying "Windy". Seems to be a remnant for a scrapped multiplayer mode.



Just a graphic saying "HAY". Was to be for a dropped multiplayer mode?



Text saying "PRESS START". Was definitely used for a title screen function which also featured gameplay demos in early versions of CBFD. The above text is still present under the Bad Fur Day logo, but the game hides it during the intro before it even has a chance to be seen, and even with hacking it can be quite hard to make it appear. The demo feature and its code has since been removed from the final version, so trying to activate it will just freeze the game.



"BATS". Hmm.. WHERE would this one really fit? Well, thanks to Coolboyman we know that this was used for a dropped multiplayer mode, where you would play as a bat(and possibly Count Batula if Rare considered that). The premise of the game? No idea on that one atm. Possibly you had to deal with the villagers or something.


Probably a early name for the Raptor MP mode, or an entirely different mode altogether.



Small image of a corn. Have no idea where this could've been used, but could very likely have been intended for the Sloprano text in the TGMPoo battle.

The code for both versions to view them all:

Windy Graphic modifier(Chapter menu.) [C.Guru]
81085F80 0101
81085F82 8000
81085F86 ????

Windy Graphic modifier(Chapter menu.) [NTSC Port: Koolboyman]
81085BF0 0101
81085BF2 8000
81085BF6 ????

???? - the quantifier digit of the image (as seen above of each image)

The values on the first two lines can be altered at will, for example:
0x80085F80 03 - the image will be 3 blocks wide
0x80085F81 05 - the image will be 5 blocks tall
0x80085F82 FF - the image will be twice it's original size.


There's an excessive amount of animations that also never made the final cut for various object models. You can view them in singleplayer by using the gameshark code below, which replaces the character's default idle animation with one of the digits below (you may have to move the character a little sometimes, as some animations won't immediately change)

8109BC80 0XXX

Conker, weasel henchmen and all else multiplayer characters:
(Model IDs: 00 01 02 03 04 75 80 82 88 90 96 98 9C 9D 9F A0 B0 B1 B2 B4)

0006 - Jump
0008 - Farting
0009 - Landing. unused?
000A - Unknown. unused?
000B - Tail Punch
0010 - Waving arms up and down. Probably a test animation
0012 - Run. unused?
0037 - unused jump?
0053 - Weird jump. unused?
006E - Jumping with broken leg. unused?
00CD - Alternate swimming animation? unused?
014D - Put on gas mask. unused?(Gas mask doesn’t appear)
0182 - Looking out for something far away. Don’t know yet if it’s used
0183 - Kneeling down.
0184 - About to pet something.
0185 - Conker/someone petting something.
0186 - cutscene animation.
0187 - Another unused animation.
0188 - Unused yet again i believe.
0189 - Yet another unused cutscene animation.
0190 - Conker/Weasel imitating Don Weaso?? (Unused?)
0191 - unused??
0192 - unused??
01C2 - Hungover(unused?)
01C3 - Hungover(unused?)
01C4 - Hungover(unused?)
01C5 - Hungover(unused?)
01C6 - Hungover(unused?)
01C7 - Hungover(unused?)
01C8 - Hungover(unused?)
01C9 - Hungover(unused?)
01CA - Hungover(unused?)
0216 - unused?
02B7 - Lower body below ground, inanimate. Unused?
02D0 - Drunk, walking. Unused?

Corn Bag: model ID: 0E
0000 - looking around
0001 - hopping
0002 - getting up
0003 - laying on back
0004 - Fall on his back
0005 - trying to get up?
0006 - waah!!
0007 - trying to get up(it may have had some of its own sounds here once in development. Just a theory though.)

Fire Imps: (Model IDs: 3A 3D)
0003 - catching something in his mouth. This is from a montage trailer of a beta version of CBFD
0004 - chewing. Also is from the montage trailer
0007 - Growing bigger. Also is from the trailer
0008 - cartwheeling. Perhaps beta? Also makes a unused sound belonging to him.

Dung Beetle: (model ID: 44)
0009 - beetle landing on back.(unused?)
000A - beetle lying on back, spinning(unused?)
000B - getting up(unused?)
0012 - on back(unused?)
0013 - on back, spinning(unused?)
0016 - on back, freezes the game after disappearing(unused?)
0021 - “All right there”(unused?)
0022 - “You just don’t wanna go in there”(unused?)
0024 - Dung beetle going from T-pose to sitting down with cup of tea position(unused?)
0025 - Left Dung beetle drinking tea with static wings out. Animates a bit slower, making it look more fluid(unused?)

Buga the Knut: model ID: 54
0020 - Unknown. (unused?)

Rodent: model ID: 5B
0006 - Rolling. (unused?)
000B - Pointing? (unused?)

Little Girl: model ID: 7C
0007 - hopping up and down? (unused?)

Don Weaso: model ID: 86
In the case of Don Weaso, only two unused animations seems to be left, along with 4 empty digits that at one point might have had animations, but now they’re not there anymore, so they point to 0000 instead.(or possibly just placeholders)
0007 Don Weaso holding his hands out. Does not seem to be used anywhere
000F to 0012 - Copies of 0000
0022 - Don Weaso chasing something?

Pikachu Tail: model ID: AA
0000 - bending back and forth

Level Oddities

Blocked Antigravity Chocolate:

In the Poo Cabin, before or after it's been flooded, fall down the path. Climb up the first rope then jump to the second nearest available rope and climb it up. Get on the wooden platform, and when on it(or just swim all the way, if it's already flooded), adjust and look around with the camera a little until you spot an Antigravity chocolate.. Behind a gate! You can jump up there, but you cannot get the chocolate piece, as it's mysteriously blocked out of reach.

By using moonjump codes or similar hacks, you can get behind the gate, and grab the chocolate, which restores one hit point like the others do. Despite what it looks like, there is no loading area behind the gate.

It was planned to lead to an alcove, but the Conker guy left it in there just to mess with people. In fact, it is also present in the L&R remake of the Single Player campaign.

Unreachable Water Tile:

Conker:"Err... hey, level designers, i think you forgot to remove something here!..."

This is something rather odd that i found at the beach level in singleplayer mode. However it's completely out of reach, so the only way to get there is via cheating. It is seen in an otherwise unused cutscene of a Tedi emerging from it(maybe it should have been a submarine instead??)



Twelve Tales: Conker 64

A few sound effects from this early incarnation of Conker are still present in the sound files:

Camera Sound1
Camera Sound2
Frog Sound

There's also one unused instrument file, namely the sound of a rooster at sunrise:


It's not a sound effect, it's part of the instrument data in Conker, but it isn't used in any song. It does get used in some songs if the instrument for each channel track are changed to a single one. By using the below gameshark codes it can be made so:

81015118 2405
8101511A 00XX

81014E28 2405
81014E2A 00XX
The XX being 0B - dinosaurs and birds.

The Great Mighty Poo might be the best place to hear it. In order to make it fully hearable, this code needs to be used to slow down the music:

8102CAB0 47A4
8102C750 47A4

Alternatively, instead of using the codes to slow down the music, just use the below ones, and the sound will be heard in all tracks(can get a bit annoying if listening to it for too long though):

81014498 240D
8101449A 0026
810141A8 240D
810141AA 0026

It's nothing more but maybe a simple audio leftover from Twelve Tales, and Rare had no intention of using this in the final game.

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Some small character speeches and sounds intended for this game also went unused:

"Oh oh"
"It's been the last drop"
"Get away from me you junk bastards"
"Let me in"
"This is gonna be interesting"
"Fire, fire"
"Let's do the big fellow"
"Yeah, let's do the big fellow"
"Here we go"
"he he"
"He he he, he pissed on me!"
"He pissed on me!!"


Lots of unused cutscenes linger in the game, even a few test scenes are present. They can only be viewed by hacking cutscene pointers in the ROM:

(Todo: get all the cutscenes documented)

Pointers for the NTSC version:

Windy, Pruned part:
Changing 140 at 118091A to any of the following values will play an unused cutscene:

1890 - Bull ramming into cow, but seen on the side. Seems to be unused in the final game

Uga Buga Land, Worship part:
Changing 2FB8 at 1189FDA to any of the following values will play an unused cutscene:

2668 - Early Baby dino encounter.
3260 - Close up shot of Monk saying "Get off my stone!"

It's War, Sole Survivor part:
Changing 2FB8 at 118ED12 to any of the following values will play an unused cutscene:

1CF0 - Tediz popping out of nowhere, aiming bazooka. Beta?
1FA8 - Tediz popping up of water. Beta?
2178 - Tediz getting shot in the air. Beta?
59D0 - Conker looking up at gun nest, tediz start shooting at him.
5FC0 - Conker looking to the right side of him. Beta?

Hidden Text

Crash Debugger Text

Some developer text is present in the ROM, and some of it is used by the debugger. However, there are more strings that doesn't show up. Could use more investigating to tell if they do get shown after specific types of game crashes. Usually loaded at RAM offset 2D0000(in PAL) whenever the game crashes. The text begins at the following ROM addresses: 1A2DC8-1A35A4 for PAL, and 1A2A68-1A3244 for NTSC:

Task Exec
Deliberate Lockup (Tm)
Audio timer
TLB Modification
TLB Refill (l/i)
TLB Refill (s)
Addr Error (l/i)
Addr Error (s)
Bus Error (i)
Bus Error (data)
Brk Point
Reserved Inst
Cpr     unusable
Arithmetic ovflo
— Floating point
Built   Jan 31 2001 13:29:42
Inexact op
Div by 0
Invalid op
Unimplemented op

Some other text is also found at 0002B13C in both ROM and RAM, used by the Debugger as well:


Audio related Error messages also exists at 0002CA10, again both in ROM and RAM. Doesn't seem to be called by the game at any time:

snd %d has been freed too early – %d
-2 sound has been freed too early – %d

Other text strings

Some other text, this time only seen in RAM, also exists. They seem to pertain to functions and task data located before this text:

8008482C – ERROR
800877C4 – <NO TASK NAME SET>
80096DE0 – Cutscene 1
80096DEC – Cutscene 2
80099FDC – mvmt_imp_set_up_smoke
8009EC04 to 8009F491:
Training – Scarecrow
Training – Jumping
Training – Frying Pan
Training – The Baddie
Training – Waterfall Cash
The Queen’s lost her Home!
The Queen’s lost her Home (again)!
Shoot The Beetles?
Open Poo Cabin
Poo Mountain Big Beetle
Stone Faced Island
Roll And Rat Start
Roll And Rat?
Windmill Exploded
Bee Cavern Deep Strike
Bee Cavern Deep Strike Return
Feed Marvin
Meet King Bee
Sunflower Babe
Sunflower Babe Bounceable
Leap Of Faith
Frankie Wants to Poke You!
Burn The Bats
Free Frankie ? ! !
Giant Haystack
Barn Flipper Cash
Terminator Haystack
Barn Arena Escape
Meet the Toff Catfish
Open The Safe
Crazy Dogfish Escapes
Second Safe Lock Intro
Open The Blast Doors
Miners helmet
Inside Safe Cash
Through The Clang’s Domain
Cog Needs His Women
Pull The Dogfish In
The Vampire Bats Tower
Rock Rollin’ Cavern
Sacrifice a Baby
Bronto Snot Head
Worship Me
Rock Solid
Rock Solid Roll Rock
Rock Solid Cash
Dining Dino
Bugga the Knut
Meet The Ugga Babe
Enter Poo Cabin
Leave Poo Cabin
Poo Sweetcorn Teeth
Poovarotti Sings
Poovarotti Flush
Ugga Lava Race Start
Ugga Lava Race
Bull Shitters
Fire Imp Frenzy
Boiler Big Nuts Boss
Bowling Bollocks
Beach Assault Bloodbath
Beach Sail Away
Lift Tunnel
Flame Tunnel
Machine Gun Nest
Execute Private Rodent?
Saved Private Rodent
Parachute Lock
Canyon End Tediz
Tank Blow Tunnel Door
A Tank Too Far
Tank Acid Tunnel
Electric Eel
Blast the wreckage
Up Periscope
War Boss
War Boss Countdown
Medical Mayhem
Horror Intro
Zombie Grave Shoot
Count Batula
Zombie Fest
Haunted Barrel Roll
Bank Entrance
The Vertex (TM)
Bank Vault
Blade Boardroom
End Arena
Fight The Alien (no suit)
Fight The Alien
MP Heist
MP Tank Battle
MP Beach
MP War
MP Beach War
MP Volcano
MP Tunnels
MP Raptor
The Table Problem
The Experiment
A Red Squirrel
Is That Bridge Safe
Rocky Gets Berri
End of Game Cutscene and Credits
First Death
Ha Ha Ha Your Dead

8009FD38 – 8009FF0B:

life    ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c
min grav    ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c
grav range  ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c
min speed   ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c
speeed range    ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c
min scale   ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c
scale  range    ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c
xz angle    ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c
yz angle    ../Effects/PipeExplode/pipeexplode.c

800A4394 – power   ../Effects/Blood/blood.c

800A5CB0 – 800A5D10:

Charactereffect 0
Charactereffect -1
Charactereffect 1
Charactereffect 2
Charactereffect 3

800A5D68 – Charactereffect frontend fire imp

800A6920 – 800A6A4B:

pos s   ../Effects/ColourFrameBuffer/colourframebuffer.c
pos t   ../Effects/ColourFrameBuffer/colourframebuffer.c
size s  ../Effects/ColourFrameBuffer/colourframebuffer.c
size t  ../Effects/ColourFrameBuffer/colourframebuffer.c
pixelation  ../Effects/ColourFrameBuffer/colourframebuffer.c

800A6A70 – scale   ../Effects/Light/light.c

800A7840 – 800A78B0:


800A85F0 – 800A8635:


800A8E20 – 800A8E78:

power   ../Effects/CharacterFlameThrower/characterflamethrower.c

There's even this piece of text repeated 2 times in the ROM, starting at ROM offset 003C780(PAL), and 003C420(NTSC):

Conker N64 - Rare Ltd

This is likely just a leftover string from when the game was still called Conker 64, and Rare just never bothered to change the string to reflect the game's various title changes throughout development.


Seriously, unused cheats as well? Indeed there is. Below is a list of cheats unused in the final game. They no longer work though. These cheats were taken straight from a thread in the RWP forums. OmegaPirate found them, so credit goes to him for discovering them.











Crash Debugger

CBFD Debug Screen 1

If the game would ever crash(pretty rare), either by glitches or using Gameshark codes, then it has crashed. But if the Debug Mode cheat XFYHIJERPWAL_IELWZS was entered at the Options screen (or use 810EA132 FFFF, it enables the debug cheat, with access to all chapters in chapter mode) in the bar before the game crashed the game will start displaying numbers and letters of what at first seems to be random nonsense. Wait for a moment, and if “PRESS BUTTON” appears on screen, then it worked. Pressing A or B advances to the “MAIN MENU” screen. Once in there, tilt the control stick up or down to select a option. A to advance to the debug screen selected, and B to go back to Main Menu. Emulators won’t redraw the screen if the game has crashed, but if you save a state of the game at this point while the game still appears to be frozen, and then reloading it will make it appear(everything on the screen will be black, except the letters and numbers). Alternatively, you can use 81000002 1001. Turn the cheat on at any point in the game, and it’ll freeze up, making it easy enough to enter the debugger.


CBFD Debug Screen 2

No need to explain this screen in extreme detail. The text on the bottom shows the date the final build was compiled on, which reads “Jan 31 2001 13:29:42″, and the version number is 19. In the NTSC version's crash debugger, the compilation date reads "Dec 19 2000 09:57:42", and the version number is 163. Hmm.. The PAL game seemed to not have received much testing, nor any major changes in content. Did Rare went lazy with the PAL conversion??


CBFD Debug Screen 3

Self-explationary, shows the type of cause that made the game crash, as well as the Register threads. pressing c-right/left will display two more screens. What is being filled in there depends on at what point in the game the player were at the time of the crash.

Additonal screens:

CBFD Debug Screen 4 CBFD Debug Screen 5


CBFD Debug Screen 6

Shows the stack. Up and Down on Control stick scrolls through the stack, showing the newest value being pushed up on top, with the older values being pushed down. C buttons up and down do the same thing, but only one line at a time for each press.


Depending on the type of crash, the debugger will either say “HOSTDEBUG”, or “RETRYCODE”.. RETRYCODE only returns you to the debugger without doing anything else, as the game has crashed. HOSTDEBUG i think once served an important role during development, as it was used for debugging purposes by the developers at Rare, to test out various things without having to go through the whole game. According to recent videos on youtube, there is more to the debugger than initially thought. There was alot more options, like Memory, Memmap, Cameras, and alot more which by now has been reduced to only 3 in the retail, namely Registers, Stack, and Host Debug/Retry code.

Context B Zone

Starting at ROM address 03F89498 in the PAL version is some text relating to using Context B button zones. Alot of the text is unused in the final, and could very likely been meant for an Context zone that were left out. It also shows that Rare planned to localize the game in other countries at some point, but had to drop that idea as well. I cleaned it up to make it easier for you all to read.

Ahh !  Seems to be an instruction book. Oh, I see. . . It’s for the more complex stuff.
It’ll appear the first time you use a more complex zone.
And if you need it again, then press L and B. To skip it, just press B.

The SPANISH Catapult. . . Let’s see now, Use Ѡto aim. and Z to fire. That seems simple enough. . .
Hit Z You SPANISH #%#% fool! Now press A. . . It lets you piss!
Ahh !  Seems to be a SPANISH instruction book. Oh, I see. . . It’s for the more complex stuff.
It’ll appear the first time you use a more complex zone.
And if you need it again, then press L and B. To skip it, just press B.

Le Catapult. . .  Let’s see now, Use Ѡto aim. et Z to fire. That seems simple enough. . .
Hit Z You #%#% fool! Now press A. . . It lets you piss! HoHeeHo.
Ahh !  Seems to be an instruction book. Oh, I see. . . It’s for le more complex stuff.
It’ll appear le first time you use a more complex zone.
And if you need it again, then press L et B. To skip it, just press B.

The GERMAN Catapult. . . Let’s see now, Use Ѡto aim. and Z to fire. That seems simple enough. . .
Hit Z You GERMAN #%#% fool! Now press A. . . It lets you piss!
Ahh !  Seems to be a GERMAN instruction book. Oh, I see. . . It’s for the more complex stuff.
It’ll appear the first time you use a more complex zone.
And if you need it again, then press L and B. To skip it, just press B.

The JAPANESE Catapult. . . Let’s see now, Use Ѡto aim. and Z to fire. That seems simple enough. . .
Hit Z You JAPANESE #%#% fool! Now press A. . . It lets you piss!
Ahh !  Seems to be a JAPANESE instruction book. Oh, I see. . . It’s for the more complex stuff.
It’ll appear the first time you use a more complex zone.
And if you need it again, then press L and B. To skip it, just press B.

You can read the text for this unused context area spot, as well as utilize it by using 810BEE12 0031(before turning the code on, make sure you’re in the main menu first, or the game will crash whenever you attempt to return to.. well, the menu, where you’ll choose whatever you’d like to do.), and selecting the “Pan handled” part of Hungover in the chapters select. You’ll arrive at Rock  Solid, but it’s devoid of any model objects, apart from a single rock man in the middle, which has quite messed up behavior.

Jump down the fence in front of you to where the Antidrunk-pills spot is. It shows a lightbulb like usual, but it doesn’t work, so head over to where the rock man is/was(with conker still on the platform), and if at the right spot, a lightbulb will show up. Pressing B makes Conker pull up an Instruction manual, as if he were about to learn some new technique/ability.

After scrolling through the usual pages, you will come across the unused text as shown in a number of lines earlier on this page, but also with Controller button images. After reading the whole thing, Conker will start peeing. Pressing B cancels it, and pressing B starts it again. This will work as long as the player stays within the context area. Maybe this was considered pointless after Conker’s “Drunk-ability” were implemented, so it was disabled in Adventure mode. While the behavior is used in Bunker mode of Multiplayer Deathmatch in the toilets room, the lightbulb for the Context sensitive B spot itself isn’t.


Behaviours of certain characters not being used in game, obviously.

Slingshot oddities:

By normal means you cannot use the Slingshot outside of Context Sensitive zone areas, but by hacking the player can make Conker in multiplayer mode(or any other character in multiplayer) launch an “conker” as if he were actually using the Slingshot(the nut’s image will disappear in Multiplayer, as it’s not “supposed” to be spawning there). if the “conker” hits another multiplayer character, he will get hit, and jump in pain as if he were stung by a wasp, but launched higher than usual.

One theory is that this behavior could be a leftover from Twelve Tales, which were presumably intended for that prototypes multiplayer mode if another Conker character gets hit by a nut fired at him. It may not be 100% true and "verified" though, and this behavior could've likely been programmed for just some technical reason.

By using the below Gameshark code the player can fire an nut whenever D-pad Up is pressed. It is a bit buggy at times, and could also cause the player to get stuck in his place sometimes, but its usable, and works quite fine.

press D-pad Up to shoot a conker (C.Guru)[PAL]

Part 1
D03FF8B7 0000
D0042DA4 0008
810CC774 003C
D03FF8B7 0000
D0042DA4 0008
800CC6F3 00C6
D00CC6F3 00C6
803FF8B7 0002
D03FF8B3 0000
D0042DA4 0008
803FF8B3 0001
D03FF8B3 0001
810CC702 0000
D10CC702 0000
803FF8B3 0002
D03FF8B7 0002
803FF8B2 0001
D03FF8B2 0001
803FF8B1 0001
D03FF8B1 0001
810CC710 3600
D03FF8B2 0001
810CC714 8000
D10CC702 0001
803FF8B1 0002

Part 2
D03FF8B7 0002
810CC772 00FF
D03FF8B7 0002
810CC774 003C
D03FF8B7 0002
810CC778 00FF
D10CC702 0001
800CC6F3 0001
D10CC702 0027
803FF8B3 0000
D10CC702 0027
803FF8B7 0003
D10CC702 0027
803FF8B2 0000
D10CC702 0027
803FF8B1 0000
D10CC702 0027
810CC714 4100
D03FF8B7 0003
810CC772 0000
D03FF8B7 0003
810CC778 0000
D03FF8B7 0003
803FF8B7 0000
D10CC702 0027
800CC6F3 00BF
D10CC702 0029
800CC6F3 0001


Models and objects not used in the game, simply put.

Note: further hacking(for the majority of the screenshots) were done to remove any unneccessary scenery before taking the screenshots, thus only showing the model/object of focus and interest. I may replace them with screenshots showing them ingame at a later time

Corn Bag:

Corn Bag

An Bag of Corn. Where this would of been used i have no idea, though it could have been somewhere in the barn in Barn Boys at one point. Originally thought to be the Pikachu model at one point in earlier versions, the ECTS version that was released back in 2013 disproved this theory. If Rare intended to use it for something else remains unknown.

Pikachu Tail:

Pikachu Tail

The tail of a popular mouse pokemon. This tail was, according to an post on Chris Seavor’s twitter page, used for an cutscene they were forced to cut at the request of Nintendo. It was originally believed that the tail would be placed on the back of the Pikachu model, and that several animations depicting either Conker or one of Don Weasos henchmen sitting down and petting it was intended for the scene, but with the discovery of the ECTS Prototype version all these things have since been proven false, because this tail was all what was meant to be seen, and the Don would try to beat it to death(according to the punch sounds during the video)

The first two unused models can be viewed ingame by replacing Conker’s 2nd image(which also is the one used for Conker in multiplayer). All codes below are for Player 1. Remember to not yet turn on the code while in an area. Leave it first, and while the new area is still loading, turn one of them on. When the screen fades in again, you’ll be the character specified by the code. Theyղe only for PAL right now.

Corn Bag(C.Guru)
800CC8B9 0002
810D255E 0005
8009D1A1 000E

Pokemon Tail(C.Guru)
800CC8B9 0002
810D255E 0005
8009D1A1 00AA

Non Character Models:

Yep, even this set of object models has unused goodies hidden within. Most of them are accessed with the below code:

Pull out/Put Away Home-run Bat(PAL)
810CC772 00FF
810CC778 0000
800CC6F5 0000
800CC6F3 0001
D0042DA4 0001
810CC774 010D
D0042DA4 0001
800CC6F3 00C6
D0042DA4 0002
810CC774 010F
D0042DA4 0002
800CC6F3 00C6
Press d-pad Right to pull it out, d-pad Left to put it away.

The code is to be used with the below codes for each model. Some of these models have animations as well, but I'm too lazy to write about them. The majority of the codes below replaces the Home-run bat model. Most of these are only for PAL atm. I will port them to NTSC later.

SHC Laptop:

SHC Laptop

An laptop presumably intended for one of the SHC squirrels. Can be seen with the below code (note; it is upside down when it appears in Conker's hand. In the above shot I had to rotate Conker so it appeared correctly):

8109D880 9909
8109D882 000F
8009D886 000F



Intended for an Army squirrel. Was first seen in a promotional trailer, but were "disabled" by the final version. By using any of the below codes you can now see the walkie-talkie again like in the trailer video.

Restore beta Walkie-Talkie(PAL)(C.Guru):
80087298 0002
8109D540 9612
8009D543 0001
8009D546 0000

Restore beta Walkie-Talkie(NTSC)(C.Guru):
80086EF8 0002
8109D170 9612
8009D173 0001
8009D176 0000

Note: the code replaces the also likewise unused Bug-catching-net object below. There’s a noticable side effect to this, particularly in the “Assault”, where the other squirrel soldiers are affected as well.

Screenshots showing the walkie-talkie being used in the final game via the above codes:

Once gone, now backOnce gone, now back 2

If you want to see it in areas outside of the Assault scene, use this code together with the "Pull out/Put Away Home-run Bat" code:

8109D880 9609
8109D882 0001
8009D886 0000

Bug Catching Net:

Bug Catching Net

No idea where this would have been used, though it seems to come from early on in development when the game was being changed, so this is possibly not leftover from Twelve Tales. Original rumors had it that it was to be used by Don Weaso for catching the Pokꮯn with, but the ECTS demo once again disproves this theory. The area that seems to be the most likely candidate for this object to be used in would be Windy.

Can be viewed ingame with the code below:

8109D880 8B09
8109D882 0002
8009D886 000E



An table candle stick. By the looks of it, it seems to have been meant for Count Batula’s mansion, where this candle would've been on the dining table where Conker have himself a feast.

8109D880 7409
8109D882 0001
8009D886 0000

Remote Controller:

Remote Controller

No idea where this could have been used. Perhaps in one of the parts of the It's War chapter? Can be seen with this code:

8109D880 8A09
8109D882 0002
8009D886 000E

Opened Chest Part of SHC Soldier:

SHC Solider Chest

Seems like the usage about this one has finally been confirmed. It was once used on a SHC soldier in a cutscene that was cut from the final game very late in development, where he is being experimented on in the Tediz lab, still fully alive. This object is still present in the final game, though unused obviously, and can be seen ingame with the below code:

8109D880 7509
8109D882 0001
8009D886 0000

White Thing:

White Thing

What this one is, and where it is/was to be used I don't know. The code below let's you see it ingame:

8109D880 A109
8109D882 0002
8009D886 000E



This looks like the one used in game, but it's not. Instead a copy of the model stored with the Character Models is used on Conker when he transforms into a anvil. Use the code below to see it:

8109D880 8609
8109D882 0002
8009D886 000E

Objects viewable only by ROM hacking:

! Barrel:

! Barrel

Originally found by Coolboyman, screenshot by me.

Twelve Tales Crate:

Unused Crate

An background object originally featured in the now gone Twelve Tales game. Note that the texture of it has changed since the first promo video of Conker's Quest.

Originally found by Coolboyman, screenshot by me.


Unused Multiplayer setup options? Yep, you name it. There's a bunch of them. In the NTSC version however some of the beta options are absent. The majority of them were found for PAL. The ones after the first 4 were found by me. Can be viewed on the setups in the multiplayer game selecting area of the pub by using this code: (PAL only. NTSC code will be coming eventually)

800E0F62 00XX

Replace XX with the below digits(credit to the code belongs to Neoegyptian, an member of RWP)

E - Setup options include the option called "CASH" where you can change a value from 2000 to 20000.
F - Setup options include the ability to change the game's language, and there's a strange option called 'ON' which you can switch to 'OFF', 'CAPTURE THE FLAG', 'COLLECTION', 'BATTLE', 'WEASELS VS TEDIZ', 'CASH', 'FORWARDS', 'INFINITE', 'TIME', 'ON' and 'ENGLISH'.
19 - Setup options include one called 'AI VIEW' which you can turn on or off (presumably you could use this to see the simulants screens), one with a speech bubble that you can turn on or off (presumably you could turn speech on or off), one which you can change to 'BATTLE', 'BOMB BATTLE' (a BETA game perhaps?) and 'CIVILIAN'. There's also a weird 'FORWARDS'/'BACKWARDS' option and one of those adjust the screen options.
21 - Setup options include one called 'PICTURE' that you can still use, but it just adjusts the screen.
3C - Another set of unused options, which include;
An option with a cloud picture. Can be toggled on/off. However, it doesn't seem to do anything.
CHEATS - Doesn't do anything.
Sound mode - Displayed by a image of speakers. Doesn't do anything either.
BOTS - Sets the number of bots. Doesn't do anything. Set at 0 by default, but can only go up to 4 max, unlike the final game, which allows for up to 9.
61 - an extensive set of most available final options, including some of the unused ones
75 - More Beta options:
TEAMS - Sets whether characters are divided into teams. Has no apparent function.
1 PLAYER MULTIPLAYER RESOLUTION - sets 1 Player Screen resolution in multiplayer. Can be toggled between NORMAL or HI. This was functioning in the ECTS build, and could possibly be a remnant from when the developers planned to make the game utilize the Expansion Pak to its fullest, including this ability to set the resolution.

None of the above options work in the final game(with the exception of AI-view and Speech bubbles), but they can be seen and fiddled around with.

Unused multiplayer images:

Really, I'm not kidding. There's a crapload of them in here. Some of them can be seen on the setup screen when using the above code, but there's others that won't appear by that code alone. Below are the whole set of unused images.


An arrow graphic for some screen adjusting feature?


An graphic for yet another screen feature to set the brightness/contrast in the game.

blues_unused   greens_unused   reds_unused   yellows_unused

While these images may not look any different here, they're actually the icons used for showing the color name of the teams to be set up when choosing to play Heist, at their original size. The final game does use the graphics, but have their size manually scaled down instead, so they're never seen at their true resolution. Could've possibly been used for showing what team won/lost in Heist.

frenchys_unused   raptors_unused   squirrels_unused   tediz_unused

Icons for certain multiplayer games. Have no idea where these could have been used.

speechoff_unused   speechon_unused

Seems to be for a feature that would let players toggle speech bubbles on or off. The feature is functional, and can be toggled on and off via the below code. (Again, PAL only)

800E1024 000X

0 - Off, 1, On

Credit Goes to Neo Egyptian for making this code.

The above images can be viewed on the Heist setup by using this code below.

810ABA36 XX7E

Where XX is any of the values below:

AB - FRENCHYS (unused)
AC - RAPTORS (unused)
AF - TEDIZ (unused)
B0 - SQUIRRELS (unused)
B1 - YELLOWS (unused)
B2 - GREENS (unused)
B3 - BLUES (unused)
B4 - REDS (unused)
C1 - Brightness/contrast (unused)
EE - ON (Speech Bubbles)(unused)
EF - OFF (Speech Bubbles)(unused)
F9 - Arrows(unused)

Unused text:

There also is a bunch of unused texts to go along with the above pics. Some of them may fit in, while others have no corresponding image. The same code is used to view them.

03 - COLLECTION (unused)
04 - BATTLE (unused)
05 - WEASELS VS TEDIZ (unused)
0D - PICTURE (unused)
0E - 4:3 (unused)
0F - 16:9 (unused)
14 - HEADPHONES (unused)
15 - LANGUAGE (unused)
16 - ENGLISH (unused)(the game is only in english anyways, so this is never used.)
17 - FRENCH (unused)
18 - GERMAN (unused)
19 - SPANISH (unused)
1A - JAPANESE (unused)
1B - AI-VIEW (unused)
1C - BOMB BATTLE (unused)
1D - CIVILIAN (unused)
1E - TURRET PLAYER (unused)
20 - NORMAL (unused)
21 - HI (unused)
2A - DIRECTION (unused)
2B - FORWARDS (unused)
2C - BACKWARDS (unused)
2E - SPEECH BUBBLES (unused)
31 - BACKDROP (unused)
3B - CASH GAME (unused)
5B - WEASELS (unused)


Ok, the level models themselves for most of the areas are sadly no longer in the ROM, but at least the objects are intact. However, accessing the majority of them is no walk in the park, as there's some requirements to be met; the level you last were in must be of a certain scale, and the digit for 810BEE16 often varies for each of the below level slots. I’ll try gathering information on how to access each one in whatever ways as soon as possible. The majority of these levels has with the discovery of the ECTS prototype been revealed to be test levels, and a couple of them about to become actual levels in the game. Head over to the ECTS-Version page to see them for yourself.

Level 03

03 – An empty level with the Dogfish from the Bat’s Tower chapter, and a bunch of catfish. No level geometry is left, so the game pulls the model from the level last accessed.(it is like this for all the other levels which no longer have any model file.) The objects however are still valid data. Normally it fails to load when trying to access it as is due to the model for the area being removed, and crashes in just about a second. Using 810BEE12 0003 810BEE16 00?? however(?? being whatever digit, but the safest to use would be 08), prevents it from crashing the game.

05 – Black area with large playground. As the name suggests, the floor is invisible(literally untextured), so the player can’t see whereabout he/she’s heading.

Level 08

08 – Large flat area, with an corrupted floor texture, and a grey void. It is unknown what this level originally was, maybe an debug area?

09 – Same as the previous one. but crashes upon loading. Using 810BEE12 0009 810BEE16 0008 fixes this.

Level 0D

0D – Another level without its model intact. A single cheese is present. Was once an test area in earlier versions area.

Level 0F

0F – Again, another one of those levels that no longer has any model data left. Fangy the Raptor is in here, and it'll follow Conker regardless of where he goes.

15 – An level with no geometry. Has no objects at all, and conker starts high up in the air. Crashes when trying to access it as is.

Level 16

16 – Same as above, except that a tank exists. It can be jumped into, and start driving around and blast. One thing to note though, is that the area is pitch dark, so you’ll have to stick close to the tank if you wanna see where you’re heading.(applies for most part only to areas where the level light is dynamic. In the above pic however, only Conker and the tank are affected, as the level geometry is not set to have dynamic lightning.)

1F – Level without any model data, again. Seems to have nothing in it.

Level 20

20 – An large flat area with a black void.

Level 25

25 – Same as above, but with a blue void for a background. While not really unused, it serves as the place for the copyrights stuff as seen when booting up the game. An interesting thing to note is that during bootup, Conker is loaded into the level as well(although just a couple feet up in the air), in the first frame of his sneaking animation, and cannot be controlled(with the exception of the camera). This however cannot be seen normally, and the only way to be able to see it is to disable the copyrights routine via hacking.

Level 2A

2A – This one is quite strange, as it also seems to wrap parts of the level model previously loaded. However, it crashes as it loads, and the only way to access this is via this code: 810BEE12 002A 810BEE16 0008. However, accessing it is in no way any easy; the area you last were in has to be small(like the Poo mountain cave, where TGMPoo is fought). Once it loads, you will be back in a rather messed up version of the previous level. A set of Ugas also appear somewhere in the air and drops down while walking. Was once some sort of multiplayer test level before its model were removed.

Regional Differences

Not many regional oddities may exist between the versions, as the game went out in english only. However, some differences are noticable, and they're listed here:

Main Menu:

On the options menu, the screen adjustment options present in PAL is absent from the NTSC version. The PAL version likely added this option so users could adjust the screen if the display seemed off or something.





Beta Options:

The hidden beta options aren't that many in NTSC. Why this is are many uncertain of, including me.


In the NTSC version, when hitting the gargoyle with the frying pan, he makes a sound when he begins to stands up. For whatever reason, the PAL version removed this.


When you get the first cow out by having the bull ram into the target object, Conker makes a “Swoosh” sound as he swings his fist before saying something about taking control of the bull, but is not in PAL. Why that sound was removed is entirely beyond me, since it actually fits well there.