Personal thoughts and stuff

Read up on some of the feelings and/or trivia for any of the stories I've written over the years on this page.

Video Game/Anime & Cartoon GTS Looking back entries

These entries were originally posted on the AC GTS site. With both VG and AC GTS sites having been closed since October 25 2020 I decided to put the entries for my stories on this page in case the original sites go down in the future.

Devil Pluto's Revenge

Entry posted: March 18, 2017

- Hm, what is there to say about this story? While it may not be the best one out there, I'm glad I came to write on it. The origin of this story actually started by the end of july 2016, back when I was watching a bunch of old Mickey Mouse shorts to look for inspiration to write a new GTS story starring Minnie Mouse. During that time I came to re-discover an episode of Mickey's Mouse Works that was banned from airing in the US due to disturbing scenes. Minnie Takes Care Of Pluto was the official episode title. Prior to this I had begun writing on a story featuring not just Lucy from Lazy Lucy as the giantess, but even characters from video games series, like Wario from the Wario series, and the weasel professor Von Kripelspac from the Nintendo 64 game Conker's Bad Fur Day. One could say it was to be sort of a crossover story. It didn't get very far before being scrapped though(I cancelled it months before I even thought about writing on Devil Pluto's Revenge), and looking at it now, I don't think I ever want to revive that idea again.

Anyway, on to the history on how the development on this story went. After having watching the Minnie Takes Care Of Pluto episode a few times, in august 5 I came to start thinking up a story that besides Minnie and Pluto, also involved Pluto's inner demon and his new assistant Devil Minnie, the latter essentially being Minnie's inner demon. She is an unofficial character by all means. At NO point did I ever consider making her into a GTS. Minnie Mouse was the main focus, and I sticked myself to it. I finished my work on the story in just 3-4 days. The initial title was simply "mickey mouse gts story", while the actual working title was "Minnie Takes Care Of Pluto 2 - GTS Edition". The final title came about when the story was finished, and I now think the final name fits the story better.

Devil Pluto's Revenge borrowed quite a lot of the original episode, and I even gone as far as to write out a scene for the story that has Pluto running on top of the ball of Minnie's mace(that scene DID make it into the story, by the way). The scene itself didn't exist in the original episode, but it was something I've always believed to be true, only to later discover that it was just a false memory.

As for anything that had to be leaved out or changed, I can't recall that much. A few words or sentences may have been changed around or rewritten before the story was finalized. Maybe a scene or two were rewritten slightly, but other than that pretty much no parts of the story were being changed or removed. I believe that everything I had on mind at the time made it into the story.

The reason why I choose a character like Minnie Mouse instead of one of the Disney princesses? Well, I believed that despite her caring and sometimes feisty personality, Minnie could also be big and in charge, voluntarily or not. The other reason being that Minnie had rarely been given the gts treatment, so I set myself out to do something about it.

Devil Pluto's Revenge may not be as well known as most other stories featured on the AC GTS site(this also includes my second Mickey Mouse GTS Story, The Beauty Fashion Contest, which I will talk more about in its own entry), but maybe that's because I was just starting out by then. In fact, I don't think many of the visitors have even been reading it or offering their thoughts on it. Even though I have been writing on my own stories for years, switching over from the "script" format I utilized earlier on to the more common type of storytelling was a bit of a challenge, as I wasn't yet being used to this style. But I realized that if I were to submit a story to the site and it looked more like some sort of script, then it would have been quickly frowned upon by some story authors.

The writing in this story sure was a bit more... how should I say? "compressed", or something like that. What I mean by that is, that the speeches of the characters always tended to start in the very same line of text, even if the narrative text followed the previous line of dialogue. I'm no longer writing my stories that way, since I figured that it'd be better if a character's speech was always being put into a new line.(if you don't understand what I'm saying, just read my stories starting from the first one and then the later ones, and maybe you'll notice the difference) I also didn't write down all of the ideas for the plot of the story from start to finish before writing on it like I do now, and it's a lesson I came to draw from after I wrote on the The Beauty Fashion Contest story.

To close this entry off, I'm holding no ill feelings towards this story, and I'm glad it got made when I still had it on mind. I still chuckle at some of the scenes in the story even to this day, mainly the ones where Devil Pluto(Pluto's evil conscience) have to pay Devil Minnie for every single task he demands of her. One of the comments he makes in the story that still makes me laugh is "You sure like eating other people's money for breakfast, don't ya?". It might just be me though, but I'm sure others maybe found those bits to be good as well. Sure, the story could have been better, but I guess we're all starting somewhere.

The Beauty Fashion Contest

Entry posted: March 18, 2017

- Gosh, where to begin... Don't have much to say about this one really. I actually had some trouble writing on this story. It wasn't as dramatic as the first story was at the near end, but I still find a few things with this story to be rather odd, and several things in the story were borrowed from yet another Mickey Mouse Works episode, "Purple Pluto", the main difference being that Minnie Mouse was going to participate in a "beauty fashion contest", but then it all ends up taking a turn for the worse.

As for how the story progressed... writing on this story proved to be tough, and things started to get messy the more I wrote on it (or tried to write on it). I mostly blame myself for that. If I had just dropped the Mickey Mouse Works universe after finishing the first story I think it could have been more smoothly written, but I choose to write on at least two more stories set in the same universe before breaking ties with it.

It turned out to be a bad choice, as I soon found myself struggling to get the story done, rewriting some parts over and over until they made more sense to me. The ending hadn't even been thought out yet, so for the remainder of the story I just typed up whatever scenarios came to my mind. Ok, the ending wasn't really THAT rushed, but I still feel I could have done it better than it ended up like.

As for cut content or changed scenes... According to my wip documents for this story, aside from lines being rewritten to make more sense, I came to add in another short scene and some other bits here and there to pad out the length. The idea of dividing the story into chapters were also dropped. A few of the scenes also received minor or major edits. Besides Daisy Duck, I even intended to have Clarabelle Cow to appear in the story as one of the contestants, but I decided to leave her out to simplify things. What I forgot to change was a few instances of "others" throughout the last half of the story, the "others" part referring to other possible contestants, despite the fact that it is just Daisy and Minnie participating in the contest.

The story took me over a month to finish, and I was worried I messed it all up because the story changed quite significantly (but not enough to make the plot feel different to what I first had on mind), and some things in the story would appear to be confusing to some. Fortunately nothing serious arised from this, likely because noone leaved any feedback on either my dA page or the forums. Anyway, from this story on I learned an important lesson; ALWAYS write down the plot from start to finish in great detail before working on the story, or you'll struggle with trying to finish the rest of it.

Shrunk at Minnie's House

Entry posted: February 22, 2019

- Time for me to look back on another story of mine by now, I suppose. There may not be much for me to say about it since so little stuff got changed, if anything at all, but I figured I take a trip down memory lane anyway.

This story were planned nearly from the get go, beginning with an teaser pic I posted back in 2016 showing a scene that was going to be in an upcoming Mickey GTS story of mine.

Progress on the story took a bit longer than the previous two, mainly because I get sidetracked very easily. At the same time, I also didn't wanna rush it. That was another reason for it being delayed a bit.

I tend to read this story from time to time, along with my wip documents, and from what I can notice there wasn't really any scenes being cut out from the story, nor were there that many changes(excluding spelling/grammar fixes).

There was one thing though that can still be found in some of the wip docs, and it is this single string; "(To be written later)". Not very exciting, and it was just a placeholder for the scene where Mickey has to endure being scrubbed all over Minnie's body when she's taking a bath. A line or two were also slightly rewritten to either make things flow better, or to prevent text from one page continuing into the next one. Some lines were also being removed mostly because I found them redundant. Other than that, the story stayed pretty close to what I originally had on mind.

What I think of the story today... I find it to be all good, even better than The Beauty Fashion Contest. There were a few bits in the story that I thought would earn it a higher age rating, such as Mickey being trapped inside the pajamas pants of Minnie while she is sleeping through the night(I wanted to make the story suitable for all ages, so I had to make sure there weren't anything icky going on in it). Fortunately there were no concerns about those bits, and to my surprise the story was given a G rating which I'm very glad for, since that was the kind of rating I was aiming for in the first place.

Priscilla's Tiny Date

Entry posted: February 22, 2019

- Ah, the story of a date taking an unexpected turn. I still like this story to this day, even if there's a thing or two that I now feel should have been explained a little better.

It all started back in february 8 2017, when I started a topic on the VG/AC GTS forum listing female cartoon/anime characters that had yet to see the GTS treatment. Priscilla from Calimero was the first one listed. Reason I started the topic was because I came to think back on an anime series I used to see bits of on youtube back in 2010, which was the 1992 Calimero series. Seeing as there were no Calimero GTS stories or pics on the site, I felt a bit sorry for Priscilla and decided to do the series some justice.

Since I had put aside my Shrunk at Minnie's House story for the time being, I thought about writing a story based on the Calimero 1992 series. Trying to break away from the Mickey Mouse Works universe, I set out to do something more realistic and try to capture the characters' personalities to my best ability, and only use humor and comedy where appropriate.

Regarding cut content; there wasn't that much stuff being removed from the story, apart from the usual changes in character lines as the story progressed.

One part that strangely didn't make it in was Priscilla picking up the bouquet of tulips Calimero dropped besides her, and then playing a "loves me, loves me not" game by plucking the petals from the flowers one by one. Can't remember why it came to be dropped, to be honest.

Another thing is the scene where Priscilla notices Calimero and starts hitting him with the flowers, thinking he's a wasp. It was instead going to have Priscilla just scream a little upon seeing Calimero, with the latter doing the same, with them both calming down afterwards. Aside from this different scene, things would have progressed in about the same way like the final story. I can't remember why exactly I changed this scene. Maybe it was to make it a bit more funny, or to have something more going on to it.

I'm still satisfied with this story though. Sure, one or another part of the story could have been a little more refined, and the personalities of some characters wasn't really in line with how they acted in the original series, but at least I tried. Calimero also didn't even once say his trademark phrase "But it's an injustice!", but it wasn't really needed for this story. I intend to have him say his phrase a bit more often in newer stories though.

Shrunken Calimero

Entry posted: February 22, 2019

- Well, what to say about this story... I started on the story in March 25 of 2017, a few weeks after the first Calimero story. The working title was "Blasted n' Shrunk", referring to the device Calimero finds at the start of the story.

The road to finishing it was a bit long, mainly because I hit a wall on what should happen next, and it took me quite a long time to figure out some way to get past this barrier.

I can't think of any cut content for the story... apart from one instance; After the Green Team members have found the tiny Calimero and taken a closer look at the strange gun-like device, the Condor news would then appear on their TV detailing a new discovery on an excavation site; an cave full of glittering crystals in varying colors, and they were looking for a group to make a report about the new discovery. Valeriano would suggest they take this opportunity to make and film the report, leaving their apartment for their new investigation.

This was where I hit the barrier; How would I proceed to write down the rest of the stuff that would follow? After months of no progress, I decided to try and finish the story. After changing the part to instead have them investigate and film an abandoned mine after finding a map in Calimero's bedroom, I managed to finally get over this barrier and just focus on the story. The ending had for most part already been written down on my list of plotlines for stories I've written or will be writing on, so the ending remained largely unchanged.

Looking back on this story, I like it just as much as with the first story. The part where Calimero gets trapped inside one of the small diamonds and turned into Priscilla's necklace I think is a pretty adorable scenario, and makes for a fairly unique ending for the story. I also like the parts where Priscilla is watching over Calimero and caring for him after he's struck by the device Pierrot accidentally triggered.

All in all, I'm very proud of how the story came together, despite the few barriers that came to prevent me from finishing it. But if your goal is to write the best story to possibly ever be, then you'll be more than determined to try overcome any obstacles that would hamper your progress.

Valeriano's Biggest Affection

Entry posted: February 22, 2019

- Wanting to give the other girls in the Calimero series a chance to grow for a change, in September 27 2017 I set out to do just that.

The plot for the story were being written at almost the same time as my Shrunken Calimero story. I decided to do it that way to speed up progress on my upcoming stories. However, it would take me a great amount of time to finish Shrunken Calimero, and due to a barrier preventing me from progressing on it any further the other story got pushed aside.

I started writing on Valeriano's Biggest Affection a week before I finished my second Calimero story. The reason I choose to make Graziella a GTS was because of an episode of the 1992 series I've been watching quite regularly where Valeriano starts having a crush on the girl from that same episode, the latter who ends up being kidnapped later on. I thought rightfully that after all Valeriano and his friends did to rescue her, that Graziella should return his affections, if only in her own way.

Like my previous stories not much stuff was really being left on the cutting floor. As now seems to become some sort of tradition for me, only one part of the story were rewritten; Instead of having Suzy asking Pierrot whether he's cheating on her, Pierrot would have told Rosita not to mention what she's done in the bathroom, with the other members giving him an angry look after he says his comment.

I finished the story on June 27 2018, and before sending the story I intended to do some proofreading on it. I came to forget about it though, and it would take me until January 27 2019 to have the story fixed up and submitted to the AC GTS site. However, even now I can spot a few minor errors in it, some of them stemming from what I thought would be grammar or spelling fixes, but ended up not looking right to me the more I re-read it.

Just like the previous Calimero stories, I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out. There were a part in the story that I think almost broke the fourth wall, which had Rosita and Graziella fighting each other trying to show who of them are the biggest girl. They then realize that Valeriano has slightly outgrown them, and he even points out to the girls that since they're in a giantess story boys shouldn't be any bigger than the girls. The scene only lasts for a short moment, because at Valeriano's request Rosita soon shrinks him down so he's slightly shorter than them. You can say I sorta wanted to bend on the rules a little, but it was all mostly for humor that I did so.

Anyhow, this story sure took me a bit of time to get out there. I have an fairly easy time of getting sidetracked, so it would only be expected from my side that this story would be delayed. Despite this, I'm glad I came to write on this story. Calimero sure is the kind of series that I would be writing GTS stories for, especially the 1992 series, and will continue to do so. There's a number of story ideas that I yet have to actually start working on, so more Calimero GTS stories might be expected to come from me in the future.

Post-Video Game/Anime & Cartoon GTS entries

Priscilla's Big night

Entry posted: December 12, 2020

- My garlic, this story sure has a bit of an story behind it. Not much to say regarding its development, because neither the plot or the content changed that much.

It all began in April 25 of 2017, over three years ago. The initial name for the story was Calimero's Big Night. The name got changed to Priscilla's Big Night the moment I started to write on the story itself.

While I had written the story name on my story plots list, I still hadn't begun writing down the plot for the story itself. It was only in September 10 that I would start writing on the first half of the plot. However, the story got pushed aside because at the time I was still working on finishing the plots for the Shrunken Calimero and Valeriano's Biggest Affection stories.

It would take me over three years to finally write on the story itself. Since only the first half of the plot had been done up until that point, I decided that once I've written out the first half of the story I would start writing the second half of the plot. It all came in batches though, because I found that I'm focusing better on my stuff at nighttime. I've been trying to move myself to do my stuff at daytime instead, but it's simply impossible because I often feel I can't think properly, and not having the quietness around me that I need in order to focus.

As for any changed content compared to the final story, I can't think of much. Maybe a few lines were changed or added to pad things out a bit. There is one particular scene that got changed though; During Calimero and Priscilla's private night, Priscilla surprises her boyfriend by popping up in front of his seat. Calimero is already tiny by this point. By the time Priscilla's about to begin her game of chase, rather than telling Calimero before hand that they're going to play a game, she's starting the chase straight away, with Calimero dodging and running away from her in terror as if she's had suddenly taken a turn for the worse. The moment Calimero screams for help is when Priscilla comes to a stop, wondering why he's screaming like that while they're playing their game. After Calimero tells her she starts to break down into tears, thinking she's just put an early end to their night. After Calimero realizes it and has comforted Priscilla they then resumes their game.

As to why this scene got changed for the final story, it was simply because it wasn't the original scenario I had in mind for the story back when I still had the plot in my mind. Secondly, I also didn't find it right to have another sobby moment following an earlier, but yet very minor one. Lastly, I wasn't as proud of it compared to the final scene. The first point still holds true for me though, and is pretty much the reason as to why I changed the scene. None the less, I still decided to write out this scene. It's separate from the actual story though, but it can be read here in case you want to read it.

I might have taken a bit of a risk by writing on a story like this one, what with Susie getting accidentally drunk and starting to rock things loose at a dance club, and the scene where Priscilla's attempting all sorts of things to make Calimero feel more attracted to her. In fact, this was one of my slightly ambitious GTS stories I've ever come to write on. Even so, it's still true that creators and storywriters only improve themselves by taking risks. I've long been focusing on girls from more obscure series or shows where females like Minnie Mouse, Priscilla and so aren't as big of a focus by most GTS fans, artists, or storywriters, and I've certainly taken those risks and ran with them, not really minding much what others thought about my choices of females to make into giantesses.

Anyway, while I feel I could have expanded some scenes in the story a little more, I still find the final result to be pretty alright. It has its moments of romance here and there, particularly when it comes to Calimero and Priscilla themselves. Outside the apartment complex however is where the slightly more humorous stuff happens, especially if Piero and Susie's involved.

To be short and to the point, I'm pretty much ok with how the story turned out, even if some things now feels a bit rushed to me. But I suppose that's what you get for not starting to write on the story itself straight away, only to later get sidetracked by other things in your life.

For any newer Calimero GTS stories of mine, I'll make sure not to be too ambitious with the plot. At best I can write a story up to 15 or 20 pages. Stories which are longer than that, like 30 pages, tends to be quite challenging for me to write on, especially if the plot ends up more complex than usual.

Heather's Secret Crush

Entry posted: December 28, 2020

- Yet another story of mine which was much more grand and ambitious in plot...

Anyhow, back in early 2019 I found it a bit disappointing that there was absolutely no GTS stories based on the game Dynamite Headdy for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. Believing that I was capable enough of writing one, I set out to do it straight away.

As said in the paragraph, this story was pretty ambitious for a simple GTS story, and Heather was chosen to be the GTS right from the start. Furthermore, after learning of one localization change made to the pre-ending scene(after the player has beaten the Dark Demon) where instead of Smiley attaching to Headdy's face, Heather is the one to do so. This made me think about how Heather might have developed a crush on Headdy sometime after the events of the original game, and on several occasions tries to tell Headdy about her crush for him, but is either afraid to do so upfront, or just can't find the right moment to tell him.

As for how Heather gets bigger in the first place, it all starts with a simple stroll of hers in the far outskirts of Puppet Town. At one point she finds some sort of diamond, and after touching it she feels rather funny inside, but only briefly. While making her way back to the town she doesn't realize that she's starting to grow at a slow rate, and that's just the starting point for an whole new adventure for not just Headdy, but also for Heather.

The idea of having Headdy and Heather ride on a roller coaster ride built in the insides of a big mountain... well, that idea was just something I decided on the spot and ran with it. In fact, many of the events taking place in the story were just some funny ideas of mine that I decided to run with. I suppose I simply thought that since the original game doesn't take itself very seriously, then this story would for most part also not take itself that much seriously either, with Heather acting quite out of character during the roller coaster ride(which was built by Maruyama as a way to distract our heroes from trying to stop him), Headdy taking all the beatings during the ride, as well as losing on every single attraction in what looks like some sort of fun fair(also designed to lead the heroes off-track, and are even rigged to make Headdy always lose).

Anyway, progress on the story itself went fairly smooth... at least for the plot anyway. The actual story had only just been started on. The story's plot was for most part finished. The only thing missing was one single scene that was going to take place before the ending part. However, as it always tends to happen, I got sorta sidetracked with other things and came to forget about the story. It would be only a year later that I decided to pick it up again and finish based on what things had already been written down. I tried my best to have the final story remain as faithful to the original plot as possible, and add some new parts here and there wherever applicable.

From what I can remember, there was pretty much no content being cut or changed, scenes or otherwise. The only thing that was changed was the name of the story, because I found it to not quite make sense. Even now I'm still not entirely sure about the new name. I'm leaving it the way it is for now though.

While I initially promised myself not to rush this story out, there were occasions where I felt I had to rush some parts to get it done quicker. The scene where Headdy and Heather starts battling Maruyama comes to mind, because when I finally resumed the story again I had basically forgot how the original scene was going to play out like, so I resorted to type down anything that came to mind. I still took the time to try and refine some things, and to do my best to make the scene not seem rushed. Despite this, I still find this scene to be pretty good, even if I now feel I could have expanded on some things.

Anyway, Heather's Secret Crush is probably the one and only GTS story based on the Dynamite Headdy game to now be out there, featuring lots of comedy and gags. It also on several occasions doesn't really take itself very seriously, much like the original game.

It is also the second story of mine not to bear the "END" string of text at the end of the story, Priscilla's Big Night being the first one to do away with it. While I didn't mind that little text string being inserted into my stories once they've been submitted, I felt that now the sites are no longer being updated it would be better of me to do away with this sort of thing entirely. I have to admit though that I did insert the "END" bit into my stories as an just-in-case thing. On reflection, I suppose Cubed already had it pretty much figured out and it was probably routine for him to add things like "Game Over" or "END" to the end of all stories. I might be wrong about it, but that's just my theory anyway.

This Dynamite Headdy GTS story will more than likely be my only one, because I feel that even if I did a new story, sequel or otherwise, it just wouldn't be able to top the original. Should I decide to write on a new Dynamite Headdy story in the future, I think I would more or less just focus on Heather becoming big, her interaction with Headdy while being a giant, some accidents happening here and there, and who knows what else. That'll be later though, much much later.