Unused Rooms

Rooms that serve the purpose of testing things, as well as those that were planned to be in the game but went completely unused can be found here.

Testing Rooms

A early version of the final game's Score Tally screen. The only difference in here is the counter for the total treasure chests having a slightly wider background.

An empty room(save for an object with an otherwise unused graphic) with a blue background. This screen was once used as a testing ground for the Beach Surfer minigame, which ended up replacing the still unused Run Kazooie Run minigame.

The very first boss test room to ever have been created which also demonstrates an unused mechanic; if the boss is facing the exact direction the player is at, it will change its graphic. It's unfinished however, and the sprite switching mechanic doesn't always work. In the final game all bosses face the same direction regardless of the current direction.

This room, as well as the other ones except the last, share the same room layout.

Testing room for the World 1 boss.

Testing room for the World 2 boss.

Testing room for the World 3 boss. The boss in this room is not the same as the one featured in the final game, and is unused.

Testing room for the World 4 boss. The boss in this room is not the same as the one featured in the final game, and is unused.

Testing room for the World 5 boss. The controller object which spawns cannon balls is not present in here, so nothing of interest will happen.

Testing room for the World 6 boss.

Testing room for the World 7 boss. The layout in this room is different compared to the others. In earlier prototypes however it shared the layout of the other rooms.

Enemy testing room.

Another enemy testing room.

An empty room for placing objects to test their appearance and behavior. Wasn't used very much during development though.

A room for testing out interactions with objects like coins, rocks, boundaries, and so on.

a simple screen for testing Kazooa's animation during the 4th part of the ending cutscene.

Screen for testing out the TV screen image switching thing in the last part of the opening cutscene.

A screen for testing the world select feature. No longer has any useful function because the code for using the arrow keys to set the starting world was removed(and also didn't survive into any of the builds of the game that I still have.)

Screen for testing out the Uncle John object shown on the TV in the first two endings.

Yet another enemy testing room.

An rather small room with just the player object and nothing else of interest. From what I still remember, I was more than likely using it to test the player object while working on the game under Virtualbox/Vmware Workstation without too much lag or slowdown.

Unused Rooms

A large, empty room with just the player object in it. I probably made this one out of boredom and never bothered to do anything with it... and somewhat forgot about it in the end.

Unfinished screen that was intended to show the current password after beating the last level of a world. Passwords never made the final game, so this screen would end up being scrapped as well.

A screen taking place in some sort of sandy area with a scrolling cloud background. During development I was considering making some cutscenes for all the worlds. This one was intended for World 7, just after beating the final boss. It was going to play out similarly to the pre-ending scene of Wario: Master of Disguise. This screen is the only remnant of the level cutscenes that would have been in the game.

An minigame taking place on a road that scrolls continously, with a sunset background. The player object uses a rectangle graphic as a placeholder. The goal of this minigame would have been to avoid any obstacles coming your way. The Beach Surfer minigame is quite similar in setup, the only difference being that in this minigame the player can move around, while in the final minigame the player can only jump.

The title screen for the above minigame.

A room with a single enemy walking around, whose behavior is quite unfinished. The player object in this room is unable to shoulder dash. The goal of this minigame would probably have been to grab any coins appearing in the area before the enemy grabs any or the timer runs out.

The title screen for the above minigame.

A room with a large wario-nose sitting in midair. The goal of this minigame would have been that the player had to clean Wario's nose, and grabbing any coins that may fly out of either of the nostrils. No coding had been begun by the time this minigame was scrapped.

The title screen for the above minigame.

Early version of the second level from World 6.

Early version of the second level from World 7.

Unused enemy page for the Coffee table book.

The Run Kazooie! Run minigame that the Beach Surfer minigame replaced... though not completely. The goal of this minigame would have been to avoid obstacles by jumping at the right time while also collecting coins.