Unused graphics

Kazooa's Bad Strange Day was, as may now be known, developed between 2007-2009. As such, due to my then-inexperience and tendency to not remove old junk from my projects, quite a lot of unused graphics from older builds have survived.

Because the project was shelved, most of the gfx that would've been in the game could very well have been changed if progress continued past december 18 2009. As such, keep it in mind that almost none of these graphics would be final.

Happser the Woodpecker's Quest leftovers

Leftover sprites from when the game was going to be Happser the Woodpecker's Quest. sprite3, sprite4, and sprite7 are earlier versions of the main character's walking sprites, with sprite7 being an later version that fixes the position of the hand/fist.


Oh, really? Kazooa's got the most unused sprites out of anything else in this game?? Either way, marvel at all the spritework that went into the character that for various reasons were tossed out.

Early standing sprites.

Early walking sprites. When compared to the unused leftover graphics, the leftmost sprite shows that the sprites of Kazooa was edited from an earlier character that was going to be the protagonist of the game, Happser the Woodpecker.

Swimming sprites.

Early variations of the sprites used for Kazooa's after-drunk state.

A copy of drunk Kazooa's idle sprite, along with a work-in-progress of a cutscene sprite that would've showed Kazooa's eyes rolling after drinking beer. A complete animation does exist within the base image files, but not all the frames were used.

What would've been a secondary attack for Kazooa. These were scrapped due to the sprites not looking good enough, and also due to the fact I found her carrot-hammer throwing move to be just enough.

Early boogie animations intended for the Rock Waste level.

Animations that were intended to replace the above sprites. The two sprites at the left are early versions without her right/left arm, the intent being to have it as a separate sprite. The result wasn't as desired, so the sprites to the right was created to fix the problem.

Kazooa's fist, along with some sprites of her arm that would've been used for the early dancing sprites.

Idle animations.

Sprites for what would be Kazooa's attire for riding a hoverboard.

Sprites of Kazooa from a scrapped part where the player had to enter the pub to trigger the game's ending.

Kazooa getting electrocuted. Could've been used in any situations involving electricity.

Early version of the Kazooa sprite from the prologue cutscene.

Standing sprites of Kazooa wearing a red hood, in a parody of the Little Red Hood. The graphic appears to have gone through a few variants in order to decide which of the styles to use. The two sprites in the middle appears to be earlier versions of Kazooa's mother, modified from the Red Hood Kazooa sprites.

There was an idea of mine thought of that would involve Kazooa ending up in a world similar to the Red Hood stories, and at the end would encounter a boss that was, and looked almost like the wolf. It would later turn out to be a robot of sorts that sort of parodied the Haybot. The last battle with the wolf would've taken place underground.

How the battle would have played out I sadly don't remember anymore, because I never wrote down much, let alone any ideas I had on mind at the time. These sprites are all that remains of this concept. An earlier prototype does have a room dedicated to the Red Hood level, but it's very incomplete with only the very beginning of the level having been started on. While it was sort-of replaced with a egypt based level in the final build, the beginning portion is still hidden away from view.

Kazooa with a shotgun. Would've been used in the Spooky chapter.

Kazooa being spooked or scared by something. Was intended to be used when a ghost enemy approaches the player from behind or the front. Looking at this again, I'm not sure whether this would have looked good in-game.

Bat version of Kazooa.

Early walking animation of Kazooa with her war helmet. In the final build the sprites were changed to match Kazooa's new animations for moving, leaving this early duplicate unused.

War Kazooa getting stabbed by a Buni enemy. THe design of the helmet had yet to be updated by the time of the game's cancellation.

Sprites intended to be used as a effect for when Kazooa is in matrix mode during the Enter the Virtuality part of the Heist chapter.

Neo Kazooa walking, along with an earlier version of Kazooa entering matrix mode.

Kazooa holding her leg. Would've been used during the Woodbot battle.

Kazooa as an angel. Not quite sure where any of these would have been used for the final version of the game. Possibly during the game's ending.

Cutscene animations for Kazooa after having the pulled the lever in the acid room during the war chapter.

Sprites of Kazooa wearing a gas mask.

Jump sprites.

Kazooa sneaking. Looking at them now, Kazooa's other leg doesn't move at all. Had development continued I would've changed this little mistake of mine.

Sprites for Kazooa throwing a carrot hammer while airborne.

Sprites intended to give the illusion of a realistic shadow. Was dropped very early due to me not knowing how to implement it in a better way, the chore of having to make similar sprites for all of Kazooa's animations, and also because having such shadows beneath characters would've made much sense for a 2D platformer game.


Sprites of Kazooa intended for a multiplayer mode.

Headless variants of Kazooa's sprites, all meant to be used in a multiplayer mode. It was planned for characters in multi to on occasion to still be able to move after their head has been blown off.

Sprites of the weasel henchmen.

Early health pickup sprite.

Various early versions of the health bar.

Various sprites for the screen closing effect when the player dies.

A screen transition of sorts.

Sprites for the Crow Corn, complete with a set of rotational frames.

A sweat drop intended for the Crow corns

Unused context sensitive button icon.

Early toilet roll animation.

Sprites of The Great Little Poo's hand, with the two last ones having him pointing the finger at Kazooa.

Unused versions of The Disgusting Big Poo boss.

Early animation of The Great Little Poo, back when he was literally a moving pile of feces.

Variations of the characters in the background during the fight against the two poo bosses. The middle one makes it the more evident that they are actually brandishing the finger at the player during the fight.

Early version of a planned zombie enemy.

The ghost enemies that appears in an early version of the mansion level.

Kazooa's "girlfriend" Crystaly, both in her normal clothes and her trinity attire. None of these sprites were implemented by the time of the game's cancellation.

Unused splatter effects. The one to the left is basically a bigger version of the one that appears when the player takes damage.

Effect sprites for various purposes.

Early disclaimer animation.

The animation that appears in an unused content disclaimer screen.

Early candle sprite.

Early candle flame.

Same as the above, but bigger.

Early lives counter sprite.

Smaller version of the lightbulb that appears when getting near a context sensitive spot.

Shrunk version of the unused flower sprite from Happser the Woodpecker's Quest.

Moneybag hopping around.

Bullets fired from Kazooa's gun.

Sprites intended for adjusting the volume level of a sound effect played during the fight with TDBPoo boss. The collision code in all but one of the Kazooa objects have since been removed. Even if that Kazooa object were to interact with them, the code would have no effect due to the name of the sound id having been changed.

Single frame of the carrot hammer object.

Single frame of the early TGLPoo sprite.

Single frame of the stench effect sprite, at its original size.

Early sprite for the poo-coming-down animation. sprite138 is a identical dupllcate, so showing that one here would be redundant.

Early health pickup sprite.

Unused lamp shine effect.

Single frame of the blood pool sprite. One difference is the additional shine at the bottom of the sprite.

Single frame of the unused flower, redrawn and having black outlines.

Unused single frame of the wall graphic used in the Blood Sea levels.

Single frame of the updated flame graphic.

Early pee drop effect sprite.

Sprites of Kazooa from an unused ending cutscene, along with a plank that would've been used for the floor.

Crystal gfx. The leftmost one was imported from an earlier project of mine, while the one to the right is an edit of the original graphic to have colored outlines.

Unused sprite background. Was an early attempt at adding parallax scrolling to level backgrounds.

Text intended for a secret book the player could optionally read in the mansion, detailing a thing about the design process of the level(although written to better fit the game.), alng with a part about a optional subplot mentioning an unknown figure. The character in question would be Kazooa's mother. Further evidence that the idea of rescuing her mother stayed until the very end of development.

Buttons for an earlier kind of debug mode that never got implemented.

Unused options logo. Would have appeared in the bar when selecting the fireplace, had it been in the game by this point.

Early speech bubble graphics, along with some pretty early dialogue.

Speech bubble graphics.

The speech bubble graphic that would have been used for all the game's dialogues in later builds of the game.

Icons for various multiplayer modes.

Sprites for the Alien Fly boss! These were the only ones made prior to the game being cancelled.

Sprites depicting a minor character cameo that appears in an early version of the mansion level.

Sprites of the Buga the Crow boss. The only sprites used are of him walking around the arena.

Kazooa's mother. She was going to be involved in a subplot that had Kazooa save from getting killed by the Buniz.

Various glitch-like sprites. Most of these were once used in a bunch of fake "glitch-rooms" I made out of boredom. They became unused in later builds when the rooms were removed to free up space for new things.