My interest in this cartoon and its characters actually go way back, and now I'm sharing with you my experience with it and the impact it had on me for years to come.

It started in February 2007, when I and my sister was at our dads home(what was considered his apartment) for a stay over the night. It was probably sunday morning, the TV was on, and I was... well, sitting and watching TV, of course. Just then out of my expectation(and without knowing) Lazy Lucy started airing on Barnkanalen, and the moment I saw Lucy on screen for the first time in my life, I instantly fell in love with the character. Since that day I had from time to time tried to make sure to catch it on TV(without anybody else in my family knowing). In October 2007 I created my own version of Lucy, Lazy Tily, to make sure I wouldn't forget about her.

My interest for the character did not fully kick in until in october 4 2013. Since then I've made several fanarts of the characters from this show. As time kept passing I had to finally reveal to others about my interest in this show, and I prompted myself to create a website dedicated to the cartoon and the characters, which is the site you now are in.

So, in short, this was how my interest in Lazy Lucy came to be. I'll say that this was by pure accident, but also by luck that I met with the character, and I certainly don't regret that happening. Who knows for how much longer I could keep it up.