Wario bros and Maya the Bee

Wario bros and Maya the Bee is a series of text-based stories starring Wario-Ware-Man, his siblings Warrio and VARIO, and the german cartoon character Maya the Bee.

Wario himself does not feature in this series. His name will still be referenced at times, but those occurences will be far and few.


Series 1

The first part of the Wb&MtB series. It was intended to be a bit more serious in nature, but in the end it retained most of what made(and possibly even plagued) the original "The Wario Show" series.

Episode #1 (swedish, english)

Episode #2 (swedish, english(Upcoming))

Episode #3 (swedish, english(Upcoming))

Episode #4 (swedish, english(Upcoming))

Episode #5 (swedish, english(Upcoming))

Episode #6 (swedish, english(Upcoming))

Episode #7 (swedish, english(Upcoming))

Episode #8 (swedish, english(Upcoming))


Series 2

Compared to the first one, this series saw some changes being made to make it more different to the first series. Ranging from Warrio getting himself a love interest to Wario-Ware-Man and his pals attempting to fly, this series marks the end of what was once "The Wario Show". It's also the first bunch of stories of mine to be written in english from the start, as well as switching to a more common and traditional storytelling format.

Episode #1

Episode #2

Episode #3

Episode #4

Episode #5

Episode #6

Episode #7

Episode #8

Episode #9

Episode #10

Episode #9(scrapped)

This story was once considered to be the 9th "episode" of the second series, but was replaced because I thought it would've been too strange to feature a more humorous story towards the end considering the nature of episodes #7 and #8.

Series 3

The third series of Wb&MtB sees Wario-Ware-Man and pals moving from their little island to the big town of Calimero and friends. Together they help them solve mysteries and investigating interesting places.

This series is the first not to take place on Wario Island, and also the first one to feature the main characters from the 1992 Calimero series as part of the cast of characters of this series.

Episode #1

Episode #2

Episode #3

Episode #4

Episode #5

Episode #6

Episode #7

Looking back on the series as a whole, it maybe wasn't the best idea of mine. But at least it served as a breaking point with my previous series "The Wario Show". I learnt a whole lot since then about storywriting in general, as well as the difficulties with trying to develop a series into something bigger.