List of Characters

You may know of some characters like Applelin and Dumb-Crow, but there's still a handful that I yet haven't told anyone about. All the characters from my portfolio are included on this page.

The Project 67 Universe:



One of my very first creations. This guy first appeared in a card game of mine (that never got anywhere past the cards themselves, as I had absolutely no idea on how the rules would of been like). I later adopted him as an actual character of mine. His basic characteristic design remain mostly the same, but some details like his tail has been expanded a bit, and now has twirly eyes instead of round ones with small inner black circles. The old design still remains with Old-Style Dumb-Crow, who will be described below.

Dumb-Crow's appear to be mostly dumb, and says ''duuh'' pretty frequent, though they are capable of full speech, and have shown to be quite intelligent in some situations, like being able to fly a plane, using bombs, going on the toilets, and all the like. Dumb-Crow's used to fight for their king(and master) King Dumb-Crow, but have taken a backseat as of late to focus more on life and businesses.

Dumb-Crows' history and appearances over the years.


King Dumb-Crow

The main antagonist of the Project 67 series. He used to be the greatest king on Spirit Dream Island, but ever since Project 67 came in his view his popularity over the island has quickly dropped down to a minimum, and his Dumb-Crow's eventually leaving him had not made things any greater for him. Nowadays he can often be found having himself a beer at a local pub or bar to drown his misery with (Project 67 also on some rare occasions visits the pubs to have himself a drink, only to find King Dumb-Crow there drinking himself non-sober). Despite his rather low popularity as a king, he still attempts to move himself to the top again by plotting new plans. The only ones left in his castle these days are King Dumb-Crow himself (obviously), and a few Dumb-Crow's who didn't bother leaving. While Project 67 was his first creation(along with Dummy), he has made a few other creations, like Crowiolina, and Crower, both of which neither was to his expectation.

0 - IQ Dumb-Crow

Said to be from the stone age, this species are the least intelligent, and are also rumored to be ''The Wrong Connection''. They often respond in the language of ancient cavemen with the only words; ''Ooga Boga'', ''Duuh'', and ''Sod off''. They often wield a hammer, perhaps as a self-defense of some sort, but they commonly use it to carve stones, bonking themselves in the head, among other typical caveman behaviors. Their population in the world of today are only about 10-15.

Old-Style Dumb-Crow

The original Dumb-Crow that started it all. These guys are based of the old design of Dumb-Crow's, though their population has been quite small compared to today's Dumb-Crow. They are still their former selves, and from time to time signs contracts with King Dumb-Crow to help him fight the good guys(or the frightful terrifying Cute Balls if that's his primary target).


Project 67

Originally intended as a mascot character of mine, this guy has rarely ever been seen for some time, only having a chance of making appearances in a few drawings as of late. Project 67's origin can be traced far back to the dire times of King Dumb-Crow; King Dumb-Crow created him to be another soldier to his army, but not just any soldier, one that would be more powerful, and EVEN more EVIL. However, his plans immediatedly backfired on him after Project 67 showed to be more good than evil, so he was rejected by King Dumb-Crow(by stuffing Project 67 into a big cannon and firing him off into the far, far away distance). Project 67 generally likes action, and is bored by anything else other than that of his interest. He also doesn't like Hijaky, mostly when she's in her ''lovesick-period''.



Another character from the Project 67 rooster that got lost somewhat. He's Project 67's friend, and an avid treasure hunter(he rarely stops for a break when it comes to seeking out treasure).


Hijaky Tukira

Not really lost or forgotten, unlike the other two, as she has been making appearances quite frequently in drawings. Anyway, this woman were the one who found Project 67 after being out walking one day, and decided to bring him home. Since she first laid her eyes on him she has had a crush on Project 67, and always attempts to make him hers, but it rarely ever works. Hijaky enjoys quiet and nature, and has an odd hobby of holding ''Love classes'', to Project 67's disgust and boredom. Despite what everyone says, she's not really the damsel in distress, as it's often Project 67 himself who turns to be the one in need.


An character that was one of the good guys. He first appeared in issue #1 of Project 67, but has since never been heard of again. One assumption is that he was being considered a too obscure character(by myself, that is.). Friendly-Dumb-Crow probably won't appear again in any future works featuring Project 67.


Yasu Hiyami

The daughter of her family in the heavens. Her father often forbid her to head down to Earth, as it would lead to dire consequences if such actions is attempted. Yasu believes that going down and meeting the earth people aren't that bad, and has on several occassions gone down when her parents doesn't notice. While down there, she finds the new world being much tinier than she thought. Yasu soon encounters Project 67 and co, and quickly become friends with them. She's known to show up in her former gigantic size, either greeting her friends or gently patting the island they live on. Ever since she showed up on earth, she has taken a position as the guardian of Spirit Dream Island, feeling she could be of great help against anything evil. She's also able to shift her size incase she needs to fit in someones house when visiting her friends down on the earth, but often end up shrinking small enough to bump her head into the roof.



One of King Dumb-Crow's creations after Project 67. Despite having been rejected by her creator, as well as a former rivarly, she still cares for her creator, and often visits King Dumb-Crow's castle for an night of sleep. Crowiolina was initially limbless, but wished for a full body later on.

Crowiolina's history and appearances over the years.


The last of King Dumb-Crow's creations. He looked exactly like a Dumb-Crow, but sported yellow shoes instead of bare feet, and was one of the good guys. King Dumb-Crow didn't reject him, but trained him to become one of his. What happened afterwards remains unknown, but later on Crower came to star in his own game, Crower VS The Time. After that game however he came to suffer from blindness (and also after gaining back his sight becoming a psychotic and crazy guy). His future is unknown as of now, and perhaps won't ever appear again.


An crazy-minded scientist crow. He resembles a Dumb-Crow, apart from the goggles and green colour. He's an recurring character in the Project 67 universe, and is often considered the more definitive villain. He's not so much of a friend to everyone, apart from King Dumb-Crow who at times meet up with him, only to come up with several plans together to get rid of Project 67 (which backfires on the king just as much as it would do by him alone, only worse.). His interest is easily said to be doing experiments and chemistry (often the more explosive parts of it). He's also seems to hate the Wood-Stocks very well (character property of W-64), and often tries to rid of their existence, to little avail and success.

Cute Balls

Though not really belonging to the Project 67 universe, he's now considered a part of it. Cute Ball originated from a card game project (similar to Dumb-Crow's), and were intended to be a bunch of cutesy balls jolling around(and battling bad guys if really desperatedly needed). However, it took a wrong turn, and they had since never been heard of again. Nowadays the Cute Balls are rivals (and a direct competitor) to the Dumb-Crow's in many ways, and are known to stir up more trouble than anything good or cute-ish.

Other Characters:


Kazooa the Seagull

A greedy, Wario-like character who does anything she can to get money. She usually spends her days at home, trying to come up with ideas to get herself some treasure.

Kazooa has moves similar to Wario, like the shoulder bash, and her favorite food is garlic. Kazooa often goes out on adventures for treasure, and even makes her own microgames. Whether her microgames sell as well as Wario's is still debatable.

It has been said that in her past life Kazooa's been rather mean to a certain someone. While this has never been mentioned anywhere else aside from some sort of letter, Kazooa herself would be very unlikely to remember anything about it when asked.

While her traits may have changed a lot over the years, one person Kazooa would keep poking fun at is Amy Chiboyara; a girl who has a obsession with all sorts of fashion and such. This flaw of hers are the main trigger for Kazooa to keep irritating her. While both Kazooa and Amy haven't seen each other for years, they would more than likely be at fury against each other should they ever cross paths again.

Kazooa's history and appearances over the years.



Formely called Tweetery, this feathered fellow used to be a friend to Applelin. However, at one point he was forgotten about, and he will very likely not be brought back again in a very long time.


Happser the Woodpecker

Intended to be in a game featuring cute and kiddy enviroments and natures, ala Conker's Twelve Tales, this character quickly faded into obscurity. Given his obscurity today, he won't likely be brought back again.



Formely named Cherri the Raccoon, this little raccoon girl was born out of an inspiration; A ferret girl who had an affection for collecting coins.

Since her initial creation her looks has changed quite alot. Her earliest design was more or less cat-looking(even if unintentional), while in later designs her look has varied. In 2012 her hat and gloves were removed, and has since been wearing the red, short-sleeved dress she had back in 2006

When Applelin's name was changed back in 2012, her future got in a rather messy limbo; in an attempt to further differentiate her from the Cherri T. Squirrelmunk character, I tried various redesigns for Applelin, one of them being a japanese geisha woman, which didn't really stick with me in the end anyway.

In her past Applelin was quite happy and cheery. In 2013 however her mood sunk a bit, and more often than not stayed quiet and rarely ever spoke.

In 2018 I started to try redesigning the character so that she looked more adult. I made three new possible designs to use for Applelin. Two of them I took a liking to, while the third one was thrown out completely. Even so, I still mostly draw Applelin in her old style, though I do alternate between that and the two newer styles for her at times.


Princess Pearly

An princess who was named after one of the most valuable treasure, a pearl. She has only been featured in 2 drawings so far.

Pearly's history and appearances over the years.



Tailyna is a woman unlike anything else ever seen in Dumb Crow Village. Unlike most other raccoon girls her age, she has 3 tails on her back which she can stretch out in every kind of direction she wants. The many things she can do with her tails is using them to grab something far away from normal reach, knocking out bad guys, and making formations to express her moods, like feeling love or just liking something she sees, with two of her tails forming a heart shape. When feeling anger, her tails takes on a thunderbolt shape.

In person, Tailyna's quite gentle of herself, and does nobody any harm. Tailyna likes adventure, and barely ever says no to any help she's offered. Early in her life she also had a job as a stripper at local bars, but has since moved on to focus more on traveling and adventuring.

Princess Peach used to be her biggest idol. Due to this however, Tailyna developed an attraction to young women, especially those of giant nature. Nowadays her obsession with giant females has toned down a little, and mostly prefers cuddling with them. She only does this with girls she knows well though.

She's been non-married throughout her life, and prefers it that way. Some of Tailyna's closest friends are Hijaky Tukira, and Applelin(though Tailyna seems to be much of an sister-in-law to Applelin, as they often go out on adventures together). Her look has remained largely the same, apart from having her ears removed since later improvements to her design. In 2017 her regular clothing style got a bit of an update, and starting in 2018 she had since put aside her interest in giant women to focus more on her adopted daugther Tailette.

Tailyna's history and appearances over the years.

Lazy Tily

An alternate form of Tailyna. Her character is based on the main character Lucy from the children cartoon "Lazy Lucy" who, in order to do as little as possible, always ends up doing more, and tries to find a "lazier way"!... Despite being one of Tailyna's alternate forms, Tily is shown to also be her own being, even being strongly tied to Tailyna in many ways.

Tily's history and appearances over the years.



Raquina originated from an small sprite sheet of mine, intended to be based around the design of the half-genie Shantae(nowadays though this is no longer the case), but with some of the usual changes I tend to make. I later brought this character back to life, and Raquina has since appeared in quite a few drawings. Her design has slightly changed since her initial creation, mostly in the color palette. I intend to let her appear more frequently in my works soon.



Bonkella is Bonk's sister. She was created to give the hard-headed caveman a family relative. Being his sister, she possess a bit more intelligence, and is more on the emotional side of things. Bonkella shares the traits of her brother, so that means she will sometimes act like him, eat food the way he does, and can also have her head explode just like him. She also snores loudly while sleeping, which sometimes annoys her brother.

Aside from the similar traits between them, she cares for her brother, and is very nice and kind of herself. Despite her high intelligence and seemingly large word vocabulary, Bonkella's speech appears to have a flaw that makes her either miss certain words or talk in a more caveman-like language.

She is also prone to be extremely sensitive of herself, like not being able to take any insults nor anyone being rude to her, and thus often need to be comforted. She also has made friends of some of Bonk's earlier enemies(like the Ice Ballerina creature from Bonk's Revenge.)


Intended to appear as the main character of a future Cartoon, Skatus is the leader(and boss) of his fellow bird workers. According to the show's plot summary so far, these birds have been assigned the job to finish building a skycraper. Often this will be easier said than... done, since foreigners or unwelcomed visitors tend to check in and make things worse for them.



Set to appear in the soon-upcoming Series 2 of Lazy Lucy. Josefine is Lucy's cousin. She's the complete opposite of Lucy; Josefine is near hyperactive, likes doing cleaning and household chores, and can sometimes get on Lucy's nerves, but not on purpose. She does know when and where to stop though, and has heartedly feelings towards her cousin. Josefine has a heart-shaped birthmark on the right side of her forehead. She also seems to get very well along with Lucy's mom, and Jasmine.



Hilda is going to be part of an idea for a possible new comic series starring a trio of young viking warriors. The leader of this small group is of course Hilda herself, who carries with her a huge axe, mostly for self-defense. She's 20 years of age. As her name may possibly suggest, she is a fighter who shows virtually no signs of fear. Despite her generous and nice personality, Hilda can have a bit of a temper sometimes, and may also let her anger off on her own friends, but this is usually rare. Much to the dismay and irritation of her father(and even those around her), Hilda can sometimes act like a little girl, especially when holding her favorite childhood rabbit doll.

The other characters that have yet to have their designs fully thought out are Rebecca; a smart, yet very cautious viking girl who always thinks before rushing. And Olaf; an somewhat obese, oftentimes laidback viking boy with a big beard and thick eyebrows who can be a bit clumsy and dimwitted at times. He may even casually rush his way through things regardless of the situation.

Their goal? To spread their message to other countries/kingdoms that not all vikings are necessarily brutal and barbaric in nature, and can be just as friendly and peaceful as other non-viking people. Their goal always tend to shatter into pieces due to misunderstandings, the incompetence of Hilda’s friends(mostly Olaf), or unexpected battles taking place, and thus are forced to either fight for their own kingdom, their own lives, or just try to escape back home to from where they came.


Ribbona is a character based on Priscilla. Although she retains Priscilla's ribbon band, Ribbona looks entirely different.

Ribbona is meant to be a young frog kid, and is intended to be simple and easy to draw. Ribbona is part of five other frog children of her likeness, who together they enjoy many adventures. They occasionally get thrown into action to solve mysteries or catch criminals.

Being the girl with the most common sense in the group, she is also a little shy of herself, and doesn't participate in social situations outside of her friends.


Linda are intended to be the spiritual successor to Lucy from the Lazy Lucy childrens cartoon.

Like Lucy, Linda is quite lazy of herself, and tries to think of any way to do things with little effort. Unlike Lucy, Linda knows when to distance herself from her goal of being the laziest girl.


Bellinda is Linda's mother. Like all mothers, she cares very much for her daughter's well being and does all the chores in the house.


The raccoon fursona of LucybonesSquirrel. Starting out as a male guy wearing a winter hat over his entire head of sorts, Milletta has the ability to make anything she draws come to life, with some limitations.

While she might seem rather distant and absent-minded at times, Milletta's just the way she is. Something that she can't cope with however, is stress, and will do anything to try and stay away from such situations. When all else fails though, there's always the power of meditation to turn to... if other things don't interrupt her moment that is.

Milletta's history and appearances over the years.


Bendy is a young girl duck(or a hybrid of duck and swan chick due to her unusual blue color) who is apparently without any family or parents. She resides in her own little tower home opposite to Darkwing Duck's secret hideout on the suspension bridge.

After losing her parents when she was only 3 years, Bendy was forced to attempt leading her own life. 4 years later Bendy decides to try take a job as a crimefighter at night, fighting villains of her own as her alter ego "The Blue Shimmer". Only issue is Bendy's quite clumsy of herself, leading to a number of comedic and sometimes embarrassing situations. Even with this flaw, Bendy's clumsiness can sometimes be the key to save the night.

Although she sticks to fighting her own villains, there are times where Bendy finds herself indirectly dealing with Darkwing's villains. Bendy really dislikes Negaduck. Why isn't exactly known, but it could be due to an traumatic experience in her earlier past. She often greets him with crude insults whenever they happen to meet.

In her "The Blue Shimmer" alter ego, Bendy is often portrayed as fearless, and displays big confidence in her abilities. She can sometimes be a little too ahead of herself, turning up at places where she has expected to meet the bad guys only to find out she's arrived too early. Bendy also have a tendency to often get into trouble, ending up being kidnapped, among other things.

Also while in her "The Blue Shimmer" form, things could take an unexpected turn for Bendy, and in such situations she sometimes resorts to either meditate or do yoga in order to regain her focus on the task at hand. This can lead to a great deal of comedic situations, where a villain(like Megavolt, for one example) who is sneaking up behind her might end up being kicked in the groin or flung away due to Bendy's movements during her recovery session.

In normal life, Bendy usually spends her days in her home, not really wanting to deal with anyone from the outside world (only exceptions being Darkwing Duck and Gosalyn). Contrary to her alter ego Bendy is quite shy, reserved, and not being social at all. Occasionally she comes over to Drake's house for a stay, mostly to hide herself from other people.

Prior to creating herself her own alter ego Bendy became friends with crows and ravens, which in turn consider her as part of the flock. Her close relationship with crows has made her known as "the crows lady". Crows may even show up at night to help her in taking on her villain(s), but this is pretty rare.