The Wario Show


A 3-part series of text-based stories centered on Wario, and Wario-Ware-Man & his siblings. Mostly the latter though, but Wario himself also play a major part in it. It has since been put aside indefinitely so I can work on other ideas, but I decided to host all these stories on this page in pdf format. Have a read below.

Series 1

Episode #1
Episode #2 part1
Episode #2 part2
Episode #3
Episode #4
Episode #5
Episode #6
Episode #7
Episode #8
Episode #9
Episode #10
Episode #11

Series 2

Episode #1
Episode #2
Episode #3
Episode #4
Episode #5
Episode #6
Episode #7
Episode #8
Episode #9
Episode #10
Episode #11
Episode #12
Special Episode

Series 3

Episode #1
Episode #2
Episode #3
Episode #4
Episode #5
Episode #6
Episode #7
Episode #8
Special Episode

Scrapped Stories

Episode #4(Series1)
Episode #1(Series3)

Looking back on it, and other trivia

Having worked on it from july 2009 to february 2016, I'm very proud of what I achieved out of it, even if there weren't any cartoon or such made of it. The longer I wrote on it, the more my writing skills improved.

The series that I like the most of all three, it would have to be the first(and the first three stories of the 2nd series). Mostly because of its newness at the time, but also due to the fact that I loved the kind of writing, and humor.

The 2nd series was actually fairly ok, and it became slightly more sophisticated in style and writing. However, after finishing the 4th story of series 2, it started to become more and more of a matter of trying to finish it; the plot of the aforementioned story was just too ambitious. I spent over a year writing on it between working on my conker website and online responsibilities, trying to work out the scenes and putting it all together.

While writing on the 2nd series I originally had the idea of making a series of stories that focused on adventures inside of Wario-Ware-Man's TV, teleporting into the worlds of various cartoons and video games, inadvertedly causing havoc or disasters during their travels. As for how the idea went... well, let's just say that after the 4th story, I just wanted to ditch the concept and return to the format that were used earlier, with varying degrees of questionable success.

It took me over four years to get the 2nd series finished. It was also during this time that I became more aware of the fact that Sakurai's depiction of Wario in Super Smash Bros. Brawl(his Wario Waft move) made many old-school Wario(Land) fans turn away in disappointment or disgust. Since my Wario show concept utilized some sort of toilet humor from time to time(not always though, and nothing too visible or graphic), I realized that this alone would make these Wario fans feel turned off, especially since it involved Wario himself.

When I started writing on the third series, I somewhat altered the format, throwing away any sort of toilet humor when it came to Wario. The third series also introduced Maya the Bee from the TV series of the same name who becomes the best friend of Wario-Ware-Man and his siblings. Wario also got one particular story where he actually plots a very cunning scheme on VARIO in attempt to humiliate him, mostly to make himself a fortune out of it ("VARIO; the little fatso" is the title of the story).

Realizing I possibly couldn't do the series any longer, and that it already had seen its end since series 2, I decided that the third series would be the last of The Wario Show. I originally planned to write more than 10 stories for it, but after some thinking, and just wanting the entire thing to come to an end, I cut the third series down to just 8 stories.

Looking back now; hadn't I hit on the idea of the TV-adventuring stuff, I think I would've still be writing on The Wario Show today, and there would've been even more stories written. But sometimes things go wrong. There were also quite a lot of ideas and concepts I've had for this text-based series that I weren't able to utilize in the end.

"Remade Version"

The "Remade Version" is basically a selection of stories that have been rewritten to read more like traditional stories. I've realized that the earliest stories I wrote had a number of errors and mistakes in them, along with some pretty large vulgarities, and many parts being generally unclear to the reader. The remade versions attempts to fix these issues while also introducing changes to make the stories flow better in a traditional storytelling format.

Episode #1 - Series#1

Episode #2 - Series#1

Episode #3 - Series#1

Episode #4 - Series#1

This story perhaps saw the most drastic changes. In fact, the second half of the story is almost entirely different compared to the original story. I made these changes in an attempt to tone down on all the fart humor when it came to Wario. Not sure if these changes were beneficial for the story or if they made it suffer more, but in some ways I feel rather good about it.

Episode #5 - Series#1

Episode #6 - Series#1